Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rotel Chicken Pasta Recipe From Commercial


Cooking Recipes Archive
all recipes circulating InternetCrema rice with milk and milk foam
Article classified as: Rice, Desserts and Sweets Recipes
Written by Kitchen at 6:25 AM on 3/8/2008 - -
cream of rice with milk and milk foam

Ingredients for 4 people:
1 liter of milk.
100 grams of rice.
1 stick of cinnamon. Cinnamon
1 lemon peel.
100 grams of sugar. Currants

as elaborated:
Boil the milk with lemon peel and cinnamon. When it starts to boil, add rice and let cook gently 30 minutes to go.
Then add the sugar and cook for 15 minutes.
After this time, remove the lemon peel and cinnamon, and separated the rice milk with a strainer.
Grind the rice with a little milk to form a thin cream.
In a glass place a background and add the rehydrated dried thin rice cream.
The remaining milk, mix with a little cream and a pinch of cinnamon, and assemble using a wire whisk.
dessert finished adding the milk foam on top of the cream of rice.

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