Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reliable Washer And Dryer

The same dog with different collars, now on opposite sides but the contenders are the same and also different behavior, the right "giliacomplejada" and left "crafty" as always.

had only been a few months of the elections on March 14, 2004. The PSOE Zapatero came to power boosted by the alleged coup street riots that followed the attacks of 11-M, blaming the Government for crimes for supporting the Iraq war.

Earlier, the opposition Socialists during the second legislative session of José María Aznar had been focused on the denunciation of the illegality of the allied intervention in Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein, accusing the Government to involve Spain in an illegal and unjust war, despite our soldiers participated in combat missions.

Upon arrival at La Moncloa and without notice to allies, and a decent irresponsibility Zapatero ordered the precipitous withdrawal of our troops, angering the U.S. and other countries present in China.

therefore has special relevance this Royal Decree-Law 8 / 2004 of 5 November, on compensation for participating in international peacekeeping operations and security, developed by the Ministry of the Presidency of Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega. It is signed by seven ministers of the First Government Zapatero. In addition to the vice president, we see the signatures of the vice president second and Economy Minister Pedro Solbes, the Foreign, Miguel Angel Moratinos, Defence, José Bono, Interior, José Antonio Alonso, Labour, Jesus Caldera and Public Administration, Jordi Sevilla.

The explanatory report accompanying the decree in includes a list of English military operations abroad, which include on one hand those that are covered by United Nations resolutions.

appear Bosnia, Burundi, Sudan, among others. Up normal there. But the surprise comes when you view: April 2003. Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq. And reads:
English participation, covered by resolutions 1441 (2002) and 1483 (2003) and 1511 (2003), was carried out by sending two different types of units with the mission of humanitarian aid and restoring security.

Therefore, these seven ministers of Prime Minister Zapatero, some of them present in only one year before the demonstrations against the illegal and unjust war, Aznar, stamped his signature on a decree recognizing the legality of the Iraq intervention.

Moreover, neither illegal nor, as far as Spain regards, war, as it clearly states that the two missions were "humanitarian aid" and "r establishing security." Terms identical to those used now by the Government to deny that in Afghanistan our troops are on a mission of war.
PP Is defended? Not clear, maricomplejines again.

Decree gives us a surprise. In paragraph other operations, not covered by international resolutions, the Operation included the Persian Gulf in 1990 to support the first Gulf War with the English Navy frigate.

This really was an illegal war, according to the actual language used by the Socialists, according to the decree made by De la Vega. Felipe Gonzalez, then ruling and the opposition supported the government, although there was one big difference: the PSOE sent conscripts, non-professional as those mobilized in the second Iraq war. Socialist hypocrisy is perfectly portrayed.

Why not attack the PP? Ought not clear mariconplejines again.

Spain's support to Operation Iraqi Freedom of 2003 was also supported by the Congress of Deputies approved with 184 votes secrets (one more available to the PP) participation of the English Army in the mission.

This removed one of the fallacies repeated Zapatero: "Now it is Parliament that for the first time, approves sending soldiers out of Spain."

Attacks "PP? Not clear, will help these liars.

Moreover, at that time was not required by law to consult the Parliament. Now, the Zapatero government has drafted a law itself in this s ense when, in practice, this Government has approved the Council of Ministers on sending troops to Afghanistan before the Congress rule in injustísima e ilegalísima Iraq war was the other way around, it had been good camera.

"Two different sources of anti-terrorist struggle confirm that suicide bombers have been found in local trains ... are recognized by having his body shaved and wear three layers ..." This was the explanation given at the time Iñaki "on the pants" Gabilondo.


"Spain is not deserve a government that lies. " This was the explanation given at the time the current almost-President Rubalcaba.

What does the PP? For what fuck going to say, shut up and wait who? Gili s. .......

The nerve of Bono is increasing and read what he said was Minister of Defense. A historical statement.
Since when Bono was honored by the defense of Spain. As defense minister said that stupidity of "I'd rather die to kill." Can you defend the country without being willing to die and kill for it? The apparently was willing to die. Do you also hosts who ran should be prepared to die but not kill?

confessing going through life being a Christian, but has no qualms about voting on abortion law, a law of death and other niceties with which gives us the socialists like him.

E n these are also the artists of the zeja but ahead on Saturday and for them the war in Libya is good. In The Gazette are to whistle against these "carotid" and spare no means to denounce and Director Carlos Dávila them throws darts at its Editorial and several pages back with more juicy statements Javier Bardem, Ana Belén and company. We called for a boycott Davila says, "I wish the English so well punished inconsistency leaving to go see his films." I promise that I have seen none in the last 25 years, bad films and over funded for them.

Instead, the deputy of the Left (in) Unida, Gaspar Llamazares said that Zapatero, his decision to support military intervention in Libya, "Not only is loaded No to War!, Referring to the slogan is Grimi the PSOE and the whole left in 2003 when Aznar collaborated in the invasion of Iraq, but something as "important" as the authorization that Congress should give the English participation in a military mission, "but that ZP has taken the decision without Parliament, "a couple".

Al PSOE all these incidents are coming but they go very well for covering the "filth" of their blunders in their actions as leaders of this country formerly known as Spain, they know that have sunk and they know very well why these things they come in handy.

Look at this link specific to a country as "banana" like ours. Seriously if the characters would be fired or in jail in many cases.


And while the PP, the "derechona" War would say, watching the ball, not daring to put leg and finish with both incompetent fool "narrow gauge." The PP is filled with "maricomplejines" beginning with the Chief and ready to turn the other cheek if it happens to vote with the Government without demanding anything in return. Is not it incredible? But it is true. Shame

Country and Rulers.

There are phrases that deserve a whole book. One of the most paradigmatic in the language of Cervantes, but in this case several centuries before his birth, that we are in the Cantar de Mio Cid: "God, what a good vassal, if he had good Lord." How true, but what we have.

Happy week to think about friends and the nightmare we suffer.

http://www.hazteoir.org/marzo-2011-si-a-la-vida This is very serious. Enter


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