leave no scientific evidence to endorse the line proposed by Pope Benedict XVI to stop AIDS, especially in Africa, a continent ravaged by sexually transmitted disease. The last of the findings has been provided by a study by the prestigious Harvard University argues that responsible sexual behavior and loyalty to one's spouse have been factors that have led to a dramatic drop in the AIDS epidemic in Zimbabwe.
sectors of the international community and mass media, jumped in protests against Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.
For those who do not know, throughout the twentieth century have been considering social media (mass media), those media and inform ation
using technological devices, broadcast information simultaneously and indiscriminately to many recipients, generally unknown by the editors of the same. The "mass media" are classics: the press and campaigns Advertising (and booming nineteenth century), film, radio and in the decade of 50), television, in some cases, such as radio and television, the information distributed should necessarily be seen and heard the moment of the broadcast.

As the media and Internet costs are minimal can be done against the lies of the mass media and reach millions for each one can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat version of the news is correct or what spurious trends. Well
The Holy Father made a pastoral visit to the black continent on the plane that took him to Cameroon, said that the position of Church is that the problem of AIDS "can not be solved simply by the distribution of condoms, on the contrary, there is a risk of increasing the problem."
The Holy Father made a pastoral visit to the black continent on the plane that took him to Cameroon, said that the position of Church is that the problem of AIDS "can not be solved simply by the distribution of condoms, on the contrary, there is a risk of increasing the problem."

The figures speak for themselves: more accurately, less AIDS.
reconfirms that it is no secret although many want to be deaf. He explains in his latest research Daniel Halperin, a researcher at the Department of Global Health and Population of the Population of the American university since 1998, studies the social dynamics that cause the spread of sexually transmitted diseases country
developing, that is, what more are hit by the scourge of AIDS, says Zenit.

ten-year trend is clear: from 1997 to 2007 the infection rate among adults has dropped from 29 to 16 percent. Following its investigation, Halperin no doubt: the sudden and marked decrease in the incidence of AIDS has advanced to "reduce risk behaviors such as sex outside of marriage, prostitutes and sporadic."

The study, published in PloSMedicine.org has been funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, which has advised Halperin, and the United Nations Fund for Population and Development.
The Holy See appreciates and the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano expressed appreciation for the study of Halperin to give the news in Italian edition of February 26: "With this study," Halperin said the newspaper is promoting a serious and honest reflection on the policies so far adopted by the major agencies struggle AIDS in developing countries.
According to the study, it is clear that the drastic change in sexual behavior of the people of Zimbabwe "has received support prevention programs in the media communication and training projects sponsored by churches. "
Halperin few years ago had wondered how it is possible that prevention policies" most significant has been done so far are based on extremely weak evidence, "ie, ineffective condoms. I pray take good note of the "liberals" of this country formerly known as Spain.
Halperin few years ago had wondered how it is possible that prevention policies" most significant has been done so far are based on extremely weak evidence, "ie, ineffective condoms. I pray take good note of the "liberals" of this country formerly known as Spain.
Halperin concludes that it is necessary to "teach to avoid promiscuity and promote fidelity by supporting initiatives that seek to build on the company affected by AIDS a new culture. Pope Benedict XVI himself once said that the need to promote a "humanization of sexuality."

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