(Dellat. idiot, and this delgr.ἰδιώτης).
1. adj. Suffering from idiocy. U.
tcs 2. adj. Cocky no basis for it. U.
tcs 3. adj. coloq. Silly, short of understanding.
4. adj. disuse. That lacks any instruction.
There is an article that was titled something like "THE SPANISH ARE IDIOTS"? "And as the only writer and journalist who is lame ... s to say this is D. Arturo Perez Reverte, because he has attributed this paper that the next link I attached but it goes and that the article is a journalist named Jesus Sanz Astigarraga Navarre.

The answer to this question is unequivocal, forceful and without hesitation, we are a country of idiots! I am the first. We are a comprehensive Idiots.
We are a country that is maintains mediocrity, mackerel and manipulated by a four
nts belly-bellies, accumulating wealth and live like kings, while a vast majority, queue up in the dole office with 5,000,000 unemployed and more than 1,200 000 families who receive no help from the state and receiving little has been suppressed and beg for alms on duty.
Son, a small group of handlers, which bring together the worst of the two Spains than 70 years ago, if not look at the curriculum of these scoundrels and see who are the sons and grandsons of the best men of Franco, to the Head of State is Franco tax to the tune of "If Buana" and it is these individuals who maintain and put up millions of idiots that we have become the English.

Son, a small group of handlers, which bring together the worst of the two Spains than 70 years ago, if not look at the curriculum of these scoundrels and see who are the sons and grandsons of the best men of Franco, to the Head of State is Franco tax to the tune of "If Buana" and it is these individuals who maintain and put up millions of idiots that we have become the English.
If Philip II to raise his head and saw in what has been become the empire "in which the sun never set", he would die again but this time in
condescension, and probably of shame and disgust have been about subjects like these, in which the concept of Homeland, Honor and Spain are devalued and further shame to subsidize even blocks of immigrants without papers and leave the natives to the "Moon of Valencia."

Spain, our dear Spain, above left or right, is to date today a country of idiots comprehensive, a country of unemployed, a country full of beggars, who should be in jail or out of the country formerly known as Spain.
I repeat that we are a country, Spain, with five million unemployed in round numbers, which ranks first in Europe to lack of work, lack of research, with youth unemployment rates and throwing in incredible lack social coverage so that you are catching what is a country with social benefits, an example: In Norway, when your wife gives birth, the company, your company forces you to take three months of paternity leave, with 100% of salary! !.
I repeat that we are a country, Spain, with five million unemployed in round numbers, which ranks first in Europe to lack of work, lack of research, with youth unemployment rates and throwing in incredible lack social coverage so that you are catching what is a country with social benefits, an example: In Norway, when your wife gives birth, the company, your company forces you to take three months of paternity leave, with 100% of salary! !.
Of course, we do not speaking of ham, castanets, graphic novels, cheesy soap opera
s, parties, programs foul of queues of up to six months! for doing surgery on an arm, because that, my friend, there is not nobody beats us, my wife to see the doctor to control a hernia operation, takes four months for the recognition to see that everything goes well, Unless you pay a bundle to see it in his private office or have a free insurance which is still waiting period of two months.

Sadly, it's hard, it's disappointing but we have what we deserve, what we have been forged in recent four decades, a country of idiots submitted by South American and non South American soap operas and spend of € 420 which may or may not, sec
ven the "spirit" of ZP.

The bars filled until it has reached this absurd law of snuff, which is good or bad, but it restricts the freedom of the individual, because if a bar or restaurant is smoke, if I do not smoke, do not smoke, I have the freedom not to go.
Now the prisons are full, crammed with prisoners whose vast majority of inmates are foreigners rather than sending them to prisons in their countries of origin, here take care as to kings, cuidadin to Human Rights of criminals here had it you
Thurs gas, the native English, you are given, they are criminals who care not constipated and then her lawyer, we goal in jail for abuse.

full queues, where queues sometimes go around two corners, and what about the factories, businesses and the self, to lie to mourn and worst of all illusions lives lost and empty and hopeless, the industrial fabric is torn, but politicians do not give a "damn" and they who know the daily issues of the English foot, if you have never worked.
The brains of this country, people whose skills and training, are able to get a new heart, a new face, sa
lvarte life are migrating permanently outside, where they have opportunities, eg Germany where we were greeted with open arms.

In Spain we very concrete evidence of stupidity to the nth degree, then give a guy, usually an unbearable brat ("Ronaldo?) To go in his underwear and give some skill with a ball millions and millions euros, while the English club are more than 3,300 million euros and nothing happens, Real Madrid being the most debt.
As we are in this weekend and have more free time, review these two links of two writings of mine talking about the world of soccer and know a lot more than what I'm talking specifics.
http://vicenteluisrubio.blogspot.com/2010/ 11/bancarrarota-de-la-constitucion-de-1978.html
Not to mention the ideas, since the State is the maker of rights because for ZP and his boys, the man is no longer the bearer of rights, the State has determined the new human rights, post-human rights of this c

That is left to the discretion of the State's own human condition, as well as its control is defining what is a right. That tight!
But while there are many people sleeping on the street who does not have a crust of bread to eat. We're idiots, unreservedly, without anesthesia, hopelessly stupid, that's what we are españolitos.
But while there are many people sleeping on the street who does not have a crust of bread to eat. We're idiots, unreservedly, without anesthesia, hopelessly stupid, that's what we are españolitos.
We have become accustomed to living the story, of begging the state not to work or do nothing more than the essentials. We are a country of idiots that tolerates the intolerable and that when the going gets tough, we look the other way. "Idiots or this round and cowardice?.
social security (not free) do not bind your wheel, but if you change a penis and a vagina in less than a rooster crows Is not idiots put up with this while people are looking in the bins trash?.

devastating campaigns to prevent traffic accidents, while those same legislators, allow a rookie with 18 years driving a 240 hp car Is not idiots?. Hospitals
treated by doctors with no experience and while wasting millions on highways leading end 20 years in construction and which are falling just four drops fall.
Hand on heart, are we a country of idiots? or Are not we a country of idiots? Until Morito North Africa are taking action and said Enough!
Good weekend (I was going to say idiots but we believed)
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