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Luis Perez-Sala, former rider of Formula 1, and Manuel Gómez Blanco, the manager then and also a journalist, have proven to the country every the new models come onto the market in Spain over the past 20 years. Now, with the advent of electric cars, face a new stage in his journey through the vehicle technologies. And will with the help of Marcos Baeza, a journalist specializing in the engine.
Manuel Gómez Blanco.
Journalist, former rider and only English jury awards World Car of the Year (WCOY) and Green Car of the Year ..
Luis Perez-Sala. Pilot
Formula 1 in 1988 and 1989, Spain Touring Car Champion and Champion of Spain GTB (Gran Turismo) ..
Marcos Baeza.
technology journalist and amateur driver of the car .. CATEGORIES
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, 2012 Electric cars
By: Marcos Baeza
. From utilitarian to supercars. The manufacturers are specifying the schedule of upcoming launch of its electric models and now has four cars that have confirmed their arrival in Spain in 2012. Renault ZE highlights ZOE, which aims to become one of the most sold, and also the Audi R8 and-Tron, the first battery-powered racing car. More will be added soon. Renault ZE
For a convincing relationship between price, size and performance, the ZOE can become one of the best selling electric models. Is a utility the size of a Clio, with five seats up to 200 kilometers and an estimated price range of less than 20,000 euros. Along with Twizy the supermini is the first Renault model developed from scratch to accommodate an electrical mechanical. And this detail can be seen in the interior, which includes batteries without sacrificing livability or the trunk, like the ZE Fluence sedan, which loses much of its cargo capacity compared to models with conventional engines. ZOE design also reflects the new aesthetic language prepared by the French brand. It measures 4.06 meters long and includes five seats and a trunk of 292 liters. Although still a prototype, the mark states that the final series model is equal to 90%. It has a 80 hp engine, reaches 135 km / h and offers a range that, according to Renault, around 200 kilometers. Its battery pack weight rises to about 1,400 kilos, while power from the engine still manages to offer rapid acceleration: it takes 8.1 seconds to reach 100 km / h, less than many utilities with good benefits. You need six to eight hours to recharge the batteries in a normal plug and a phase of rapid charging post 80% recovered within 30 minutes. In addition, the manufacturer claims that 10 minutes of charging provides 50 miles of autonomy. There is also a third option, called the accelerated charge, which works with some special terminals and has a lower cost than is when you install a post-phase, which may exceed $ 2,000. The terminals provide an output of between 3 and 22 kW and can charge in an hour ZOE. This solution is also compatible with the Fluence Kangoo ZE and ZE, though not before 2012. Audi R8
END OF 2012
The spectacular mechanical R8 will supply, and will become the first super battery to hit the market. Audi also be the first electric powered street. Be marketed in late 2012, initially in a small series. Includes a high-caliber mechanical, with four electric motors, one for each wheel, totaling 313 hp and give the best performance among commercial electric models (not prototypes) submitted to date. Accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in 4.8 seconds, reaches 200 km / h and has a range of 250 kilometers. Includes 4x4 and, like the petrol R8 offers agile handling and sporty. As each engine can operate independently, the system is able to enhance both agility and stability as required. In a section of tight corners, for example, favors the handling accelerating the outside rear wheel to turn, but on the highway or on slippery floors, sends the same force to all wheels for increasing aplomb. Instantly adapts to each situation. The R8 e-Tron also has a weight benefit from the dynamic content: 1,500 kilos, of which 550 correspond to its huge battery pack (42.4 kw / h). The normal charge in domestic outlets, requires six to eight hours, depending on the current (amperage) to take the shot. Price nothing is known, but estimated the current cost of batteries, some 600 euro per kw / h, only the batteries would go for about 25,500 euros. Smart Fortwo ed
Next year, Smart launched the third generation of urban two-seater Fortwo, which show a design with more power and better aerodynamics. The prototype FORSPA, presented at the last Geneva Motor Show (3 to 13 March), anticipates certain features of the image of the new model. Clothing and with this new suit will appear next or electric Smart ED, which is expected in the second half of 2012. Provide greater autonomy to the prototypes that are currently circulating for several European cities and will be available at dealerships in the mark as any other version. In technical terms, the most important development will be in the lithium-ion batteries, because the current pass, made by Tesla, a new Mercedes and developed by Evonik. With these batteries, the Mercedes engineers hope to increase the range to 160 kilometers (135 in the Smart ed now). Although no official confirmation, the prototype FORSPA also shows some mechanical improvements that could be applied in the Smart ed, 2012. Has a more powerful engine (41 hp) that speeds the acceleration (0 to 60 km / h in 5.5 seconds, one younger) and can reach 120 km / h (instead of 100). In addition, and apart from the normal recharge outlets domestic-eight hours, the new electric Smart could also release a socket for quick recharging the batteries would charge 80% in 45 minutes. Volvo V60 PHEV
FALL OF 2012
If no one comes forward, the truck will mean Volvo the first model of the market that offers a mechanical diesel hybrid plug-in, the best solution available anywhere for power supply in city mobility and independence to travel on a single model. Arrive in the autumn of 2012 and offered three driving modes: electric, hybrid and sporty or maximum power. It combines a 2.4 D5 turbo diesel engine 215 hp and an electric motor of 70 hp coupled to the rear axle. This engine can provide 4x4 and is powered by a lithium ion battery (12 kw / h capacity) of the Swedish company Vattenfall. Change is a six-speed automatic. When starting, the car defaults to the hybrid mode. But the driver can move to electric or sporting a button. The electric drive program, suitable for the city, the batteries provide a range of 50 kilometers. In the hybrid, designed for travel, the two engines are coordinated by an electronic control unit that distributes the work between them to move the car with minimum energy consumption and emissions. Volvo announces a theoretical average expenditure of 1.9 liters (49 g / km of CO2) and a range of up to 1,200 kilometers. In sport mode, however, both engines operate at full power to give the best performance: in this mode, accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in 6.9 seconds and consumption rises proportionately. The batteries are recharged at household outlets and take three to seven hours depending on the amperage from the wall: three hours with 16 amps, 4.5 to 10 and seven if only offers six. You can also charge circulating in the hybrid program, but in this case, consumption would rise to about six or seven liters of media, because the turbodiesel engine, apart from moving the car, you have to recharge the batteries. In addition, the driver may also have 4x4: just press a button to connect the rear electric motor to overcome specific difficulties, such as a snowy road section, for example.
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the labyrinth of aid for the purchase
By: Marcos Baeza
The acquisition of an electric car is heavily subsidized raw looking to improve the competitiveness of its high starting price compared to conventional models, but the articulation of the aid provided by the government is a bureaucratic maze, at least for a particular buyer.
MOVELE Plan, which manages the IDEA and provides grants of up to 7,000 euros for the purchase of electric passenger cars has been extended until March 31, 2011. But from 1 April, the plan is complete and still do not know the amount of subsidies coming. The Industry Ministry has already approved a budget of 80 million euros for 2011, for the purchase of electric vehicles. However, so far did not clarify how the grant.
Today and talking about cars, the Plan grants aid MOVELE 15% and 20% of pre-tax model, with maximum 5,000 and 7,000 respectively. Motorcycles, quads and minibuses, and other types of vehicles are assigned different subsidies. Are available on the BOE (page 440). If tourism
power is above the efficiency curve marking the IDEA, there is 20%, if placed below, 15%. Pure electric cars are all above the curve, but so far announced plug-in hybrids, like Toyota Prius PHEV are below (for the reduced battery capacity) and receive 15%, with a maximum of 5,000 euros. The extended range electric valuation are still pending and is not known whether above or below the curve. Opel models like the Chevrolet Volt Ampere and, using this technology is likely to be placed above (the average capacity of their batteries) and receive 20%, up to 7,000 euros.
But if any car can benefit from current subsidies, must appear in the catalog MOVELE. And not all models are announced, among other things because they are the manufacturers who should contact the IDEA and fill in claim forms. Some brands have been concerned not appear in the catalog, for example because there was too long to start marketing their models.
cars covered in this blog, so far pure electric and extended range electric, prices have been calculated counting on support from 20% of its price before taxes, up to a maximum of 7,000 euros. The Renault Twizy not listed in the catalog, but will go on sale in Spain in December and poses a special question. To begin with, not be considered as tourism, but as a quad. Under IDEA, the most powerful version, which reaches 75 km / h, could be considered heavy quad (L7e) and receive support from 20% to a maximum of 3,500 euros, if placed over the efficiency curve and 15%, with a limit of 2,000 euros, if you fall below. But the basic version, which reaches 45 km / h for which the brand has reported a starting price of 6,990 euros with VAT, would be classified as a lightweight quad and do not receive any subsidy. However, as will be manufactured in Spain (Valladolid) and as its original design can help to revolutionize urban mobility, the government wants in the post-MOVELE, grants are also extended light quadricycles, including well to this model. One of the problems that can arise is that when you open your hand to this type of vehicles, golf carts end up going with the registration of a moped, which by its size and performance limitations, are not a viable mobility alternative against cars current.
From 1 April, will be the Directorate General of Industry on aid agencies managing the purchase of electric vehicles. It will not be official until published in the BOE, sources internal state that the idea that is currently managed is to maintain the level of support changing the format. The government wants to move to a protocol similar to the plan purchase 2000 E, which means it could take three to four months in grant aid, compared with 15 days on average it takes today. The change would seek to improve the liquidity of state coffers, and although nothing has been decided, raises some doubts. Who will advance the money until the government pays the buyer the aid? Is the buyer? Does the manufacturer? Does the dealer?
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The consensus of the electric car
By: Manuel Gómez Blanco
. Top 10 reasons for an irreversible process
The electrification of the automobile and in the medium term, across the road, no turning back. Here are 10 reasons why technological change irreversible.
1 .- The technology is
about technology for the electrification of the car is ready and viable. Integration into the cars of the new lithium-ion batteries that use mobile phones and laptops has double the range to reach 150 kilometers. This distance is sufficient to cover the daily tours that make more than 70% of drivers in developed countries.
2 -. Evolution insured
The new factories to mass-produce the lithium-ion batteries are being built now and will reduce substantially the current costs. According to experts, increase battery life by 20% and 30% every five years while prices are reduced by about 50% over the same period. In addition, new solutions are being developed, such as ion-polymer batteries, helping to create over 300 km of autonomy or more, when they are ready.
3 -. No more cheap oil
The era of cheap oil is over. In the acute phase of the current crisis a barrel of oil has stayed above $ 80 and now, when only some countries have begun to recover, as long than $ 100. The price of a liter of petrol and diesel, around $ 1.25, has already broken the barrier of 200 pesetas and you can fold over the next three to five years. But if not, nobody would bet because oil will fall with the global recovery is confirmed, let alone taking into account the expected increased demand in emerging countries, which are developing at full speed.
4 -. The engine of emerging
There are currently about 800 million cars in the world and in 2050 will be about 2,000 million. Only the car market in China grew in 2010 the equivalent of all cars sold in Germany last year, nearly four million. China has already surpassed in 2010 U.S. car sales and may continue to grow at annual rates above 20%. In addition, other countries with significant populations will soon join the phenomenon: India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico ... No one can deny their new middle classes the right to attain the dream of motorization and enjoy Citizens of developed countries.
5 -. Limited improvements to current technologies
The evolution of current technologies based on fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel, natural gas or even biofuel, counting even with the improvements of the hybrid models, will allow the best to reduce consumption and emissions by up to 50% in the next 10 or 15 years. From there the necessary investments soar and provide only minimal improvements.
6 -. No
fossil fuels for all oil or gas is not sufficient to meet increasing global demand will cause the motorized countries emerging. And the rising price of fuel would make them inaccessible to most. In addition, you can not keep burning oil when you need to make other important products, such as certain plastics, medicines and other, even greater value added. And except surprises, technological change, air transport will be slower than the road and will be booked on fossil fuels for aircraft pending the development of alternative.
7 -. Much lower usage costs
Electric cars can be loaded into any household outlet without any investment. Although the deployment of poles Recharge on the street is slow, as happened with unleaded gasoline, it seems vital to develop a comprehensive network to 2013-2015, in expanding the range of models for individuals. The first power that are coming now are aimed at fleet companies and public bodies can do top up their bases and monetize their high price at the lowest cost of use. The electricity to travel 100 miles costs 1.5 euros in Spain compared to 5 or 6 euros of hybrid cars and more efficient turbodiesel. In addition, preliminary trials in Europe and the U.S., most home users of electric cars use them as your phone mobile. Leave home with charged batteries and used only at specific moments poles: the current autonomy is already more than enough for their daily travels.
8 -.
energy stores of oil interests and other pressure groups can not stop this time the electric car. New technologies and smart grids will allow the car to use as a store of energy. And that's the dream of power companies, which makes them their best allies. This will allow them to dispose of the energy produced in the low energy peak hours, especially at night, and to take advantage of that is loaded in the car when it will be used to cover peak demand without increasing production.
9 -. Renewable energy optimization
Even with a massive deployment of electric cars, increased consumption of electricity in Spain would barely 2% of the total and never before 10 years, experts said domestic companies. This increased demand could be covered almost entirely without increasing production, most of the night will recharge and allow better utilization and optimization of renewable energy.
10 -. The planet can not stand it
The most important point. Although for various reasons, some of the above scenarios were not met, the increased emissions will cause the engine of the emerging and growing global demand for transport is incompatible with a minimally acceptable preservation of the environment and could lead the health of the planet to a point of no return.
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Share Comments (70) hybrid car or even micro-hybrid, associated in some advertising campaigns electric concept car (zero emissions) is creating confusion among many consumers. But hybrid cars can not be considered electric. Actually they have a conventional combustion engine and an electric motor that is powered by batteries and helps to improve performance and reduce consumption. But even pollute less, still produce emissions. Moreover, the confusion increases with the new plug-in hybrid (PHEV) that will begin arriving in 2012, and with the extended range electric (Yerevan). This post
try to explain how to distinguish the different technologies that you are clear what each offers.
MH. The
microhybrids Micro Hybrid or are called micro hybrids, because they have electrical support. But they are mechanical models with conventional combustion system including Start & stop automatically start and stop at traffic lights and jams to reduce fuel consumption and emissions in the city. And to avoid draining the battery with both conventional starter, added a device that recovers energy from braking to recharge and can absorb the extra expense required to feed the Start & stop. These models are different headings: MHD Smart BMW Efficient Dynamics, e-TDi Audi, e-HDi in Peugeot and Citroen, VW Bluemotion. And in other brands such as Fiat, Mazda ... distinguished name directly with the Start & Stop or Stop & Start.
HEV. The classical hybrid Hybrid Electric Vehicle
or electric hybrid car. Combines a motor, when gasoline and electric, which helps. Always include Start & stop, but add some extra batteries to Auto-Recharge with the engine and recovering the kinetic energy of the brakes through the alternator. Thus, in addition to reducing the work of the conventional gasoline engine, in some cases, will travel one or two miles in electric mode only to avoid contamination: garages, jams ... The pioneer in offering this concept was the Toyota Prius, which has already sold 2 million units, but also underlines the Honda Civic Hybrid, Honda CR-Z, and various models of Lexus, BMW, Mercedes, VW and Porsche, among other manufacturers.
plug-in hybrids are the next step in hybrid technology include classic and stands in front of the letter P, meaning Plug-in: Plug-in English. Carry a larger and more powerful batteries that will cover the first 20 to 40 miles using only electricity stored. But also enable circular at first, for example if you live in the suburbs, with the conventional engine and battery reserve when entering the city. And this solution will allow them to enter the center of big cities like electric cars where access is prohibited or established special toll combustion models. Volvo V60 has announced a Plug-in Hybrid and a 3008 Peugeot Plug-in Hybrid, both turbo, 2012. And Toyota launched the Prius Plug-in in 2013, which is also expected to as similar models from VW, Audi and other brands.
EV / ZE. The real power
Electric Vehicle, Zero Emissions or electric cars really. They eat only with their batteries and do not emit any gas or pollutant. And be recharged in conventional sockets or the quick-charge are starting to be implemented in some cities. Already there are several utilities for sale with this technology: Citroën C-Zero, Mitsubishi i-MiEV and Peugeot iOn. And soon will the Nissan Leaf, a family type Golf.
EREV. Extended range electric
Extended Range Electric Vehicle, or extended-range electric cars. Are very similar to plug-in hybrids. They can travel about 60 miles on electricity from its batteries and when these are exhausted, have with a conventional combustion engine. But unlike traditional hybrids, this motor does not move the car. In fact, acts as a generator and provides the electricity needed to continue the trip with the electric motor, although spending fuel. The Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampera, two mid-size sedan that will be the end of the year are the pioneers of this technology, which supports the electric car to travel.
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Citroën C-Zero, Mitsubishi i-MiEV
and Peugeot iOn
Three models twins who share one body and mechanics and are distinguished by their decoration. The three measuring 3.4 meters long and are designed for the city. Include four seats and a trunk of 166 liters, and provide a range of up to 130 kilometers. The final price (with taxes and subsidies) amounts to 27,520 euros in the Mitsubishi, the original model, and 27,895 euros in Citroën and Peugeot, 375 more. While Peugeot can also be rented, with a four-year contract and a monthly fee of 500 euros per month. The engine has 67 hp and can reach 130 km / h, and the normal charge states between six and eight hours. They also allow faster reloads, but the standard used by these cars is Japanese CHAdeMO, which generally do not bear the majority of phase poles to be installed in Spain. Standard equipment is much fuller than usual in models of this size, six airbags and stability control, air conditioning, alloy wheels, CD/MP3 radio, trip computer, USB port for music and even mobile phone bluetooth .
Think City electric
A pioneer of Norwegian origin marketed by GoingGreen company in Spain. He was one of the first electric cars for sale in our country and noted for its small size and simplicity of the approach. And that is closer to a microcar that of a conventional car. It measures 3.1 meters long and can include two or four seats, although in this case the boot virtually disappears. Makes 45 hp, reaches 110 km / h and 160 km of autonomy. Price: EUR 32,450 to subsidies granted. FUTURE
ARRIVE IN JULY 2011 Nissan Leaf
The first large-circulation power: in principle, produce 50,000 units in Japan, but from 2013, when it also manufactures in the U.S. and UK, is expected to reach 150,000 units. A Spain will arrive in July with a price of 36,000 euros, 30,000 will remain in government assistance. You can also rent a monthly fee yet to be defined. It's a car like a VW Golf, but something bigger and with a very complete equipment: stability control, browser type, climate control and rear camera parking aid, among other things. It measures 4.4 meters long and has five seats and a trunk of 330 liters. It is also one of the Electric Strength: 109 hp, 140 km / h and 160 km length, depending on approval cycle U.S. LA4 U.S., with Europe would be about 180 km NEDC. Recharging takes seven to eight hours in domestic outlets (220 to 230 volts) as the current of each household, which is not equal in every household: thus, needs seven hours if the outlet is 16 amps of current and eight if you have 10A. They can be used poles fast charge phase: filling the battery to 80% in about 30 minutes. Tata Indica EV
JULY 2011
The electric version of Indica, the utility of India's Tata brand, will go on sale in summer with prices slightly less prohibitive than other electrical supplies, such as triplets Mitsubishi, Citroën and Peugeot. And that will be available from about 24,400 euros, including aid. It has four seats and a 54 hp electric motor. Accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in about nine seconds, reaches 110 km / h provides the best theoretical autonomy in size up to 200 kilometers. Its lithium-ion batteries are recharged in eight hours in domestic outlets.
Renault Kangoo ZE
September 2011 will be the first electric model of Renault. A commercial van designed to cover ecological urban delivery uncontaminated. It has two seats and a cargo area of \u200b\u200b3,500 liters can carry up to 650 kilos. Facts: 60 hp, 130 km / h and 170 km radius action. On sale in September from 18,880 euros (including VAT and grants). Batteries, identical to the ZE Fluence, will be rented for 85 euros a month and recharge conditions are also the same.
Fluence Renault ZE
space and comfort of family sedans, with emission-free electrical mechanical (Zero Emission). It measures 4.7 meters long, as a Passat, and has five seats and a trunk of 300 liters, a bit smaller than a Golf. Its engine produces 95 hp and can reach 135 km / h, the lithium ion batteries provide 185 km of autonomy. With these features can be a good solution transportation for the city and surrounding areas. It recharges in domestic outlets (six to eight hours) and fast charge phase poles (80% in about 30 minutes). Arrive in October and will cost 20,768 euros (including VAT and subsidies.) But batteries will be rented separately: 81.4 euros per month.
Renault ZE
Twizy DECEMBER 2011
This cocktail between car and bike aims to revolutionize urban mobility, both for its architecture as for its low cost. It is smaller than a Smart (2.3 meters) but includes two seats in tandem, one behind the other, as the bikes. And apart from not pollute, will be sold from 6,990 euros. Price includes VAT but no aid yet to be determined. It has 100 km of autonomy and recharges in domestic outlets in just 3.5 hours. The batteries will be rented separately for 45 euros a month. It goes on sale in December, and in principle there are two different versions of power: a 9 hp (45 km / h) which can be licensed to drive a moped (AM) and a 20 hp (75 km / h) fit for A1 card (up to 125 cc bikes). The car will leave B for both. Be built in Spain in the Renault factory in Valladolid.
Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampera
These two are the first electric models are fit to travel and meet as a single car. And is that they are pure electric, but extended range electric (ER or Extended Range): 60 kilometers with its batteries, but when they run out, get in a small gasoline engine that functions as a generator and load up to continue circulating. Will be available later this year and are two twin car body com
start and mechanical details are distinguished by the style of each brand.
The cost in Spain Ampera 42,900 euros (VAT), which will remain at about 34,600 a deducting subsidies. Opel is also studying ways to rent. Chevrolet, meanwhile, announced a rates of 41,950 euros (in Germany).
Both measure 4.5 meters long and have four seats and a load capacity of 300 liters. The electric motor yields 150 hp, accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in less than 10 seconds and reaches 160 km / h. The batteries are to travel the first 60 miles, which may be sufficient for normal daily trips (home to work and from work to home) not consume or pollute. When finished, it automatically connects a 1.4 petrol engine (86 hp) generator does (does not move the car) and provides electricity to continue flowing. In this mode, and running at 100 km / h sustained, Ampera consume five gallons of gasoline and can go another 500 miles. In total, 560 km of autonomy. The batteries are recharged at household outlets in about three hours, and announces a lifetime of 10 years or 240,000 kilometers.
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