depression in psychology is seen as the common cold of mental illness, it often affects many people over a lifetime is almost certain that if you had not at least to some lesser degree , sure know someone who was depressed, I personally have had and I have people close to my area that if you suffer from this anomaly.
Photo: Juvenile Depression. No parental neglect.
When you read a lot about something, you can compare what they say about what Saragossa, without limitation, all professional course and finally you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem of depression, because times are so bad, if we have time to hesitate of our strength and I am a little hypochondriac who, according to Wikipedia "hypochondria is a disease in which the patient believes in a groundless suffering from serious illness. I say I am just a little, but for many years over 30 I get a "check" every year just in case, let a body MOT.
While some small feeling depressed is normal in any part of our lives, major depression is a serious condition that should be addressed.
is really a mental problem, when life is taken and affected the entire affected by depression, worst of all, incl
use leads to the desire to go off in search of a treatment or a remedy.
usually end up going depressants for help from a relative, and most common is that they seek medical advice family or physician, there are few occasions that the signs of depression and if they do, then recommend counseling or psychiatric condition, but if they do is a misdiagnosis and the patient may go from place to another to discover what happens.
are the five signs that show a depression should be treated as a mental illness by a specialist, not the family doctor.
Sometimes you can mistake of sad to be depressed because they think the state is the same, though it would be a blunder to confuse sadness with depression, because this is not just sadness, but goes far beyond .
is clear that the suffering depression can not fall asleep and sleep very few hours a day and therefore stands helpless and listless and ill-tempered or "bad milk"

Photo: Juvenile Depression. No parental neglect.
When you read a lot about something, you can compare what they say about what Saragossa, without limitation, all professional course and finally you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem of depression, because times are so bad, if we have time to hesitate of our strength and I am a little hypochondriac who, according to Wikipedia "hypochondria is a disease in which the patient believes in a groundless suffering from serious illness. I say I am just a little, but for many years over 30 I get a "check" every year just in case, let a body MOT.
While some small feeling depressed is normal in any part of our lives, major depression is a serious condition that should be addressed.
is really a mental problem, when life is taken and affected the entire affected by depression, worst of all, incl

usually end up going depressants for help from a relative, and most common is that they seek medical advice family or physician, there are few occasions that the signs of depression and if they do, then recommend counseling or psychiatric condition, but if they do is a misdiagnosis and the patient may go from place to another to discover what happens.
To avoid this from happening, a group of researchers put together a list of 5 symptoms of depression:
1 - Depressed mood (feeling sad)
2 - Lack of interest (even in previously enjoyed activities)
3 - Feelings of worthlessness, lack of value
4 - Lack of concentration
5 - Thoughts of death. These
2 - Lack of interest (even in previously enjoyed activities)
3 - Feelings of worthlessness, lack of value

4 - Lack of concentration
5 - Thoughts of death. These
are the five signs that show a depression should be treated as a mental illness by a specialist, not the family doctor.
Sometimes you can mistake of sad to be depressed because they think the state is the same, though it would be a blunder to confuse sadness with depression, because this is not just sadness, but goes far beyond .
Depression is a symptom perhaps my view is a little more
c AUSAs as
vital sadness 2. Insomnia
3. Anxiety
4. Thought disorders and somatic disorders
5. Changes
behavior 6. Loss of pleasure
excessive guilt 8. Decreased energy

vital sadness 2. Insomnia
3. Anxiety
4. Thought disorders and somatic disorders
5. Changes
behavior 6. Loss of pleasure
excessive guilt 8. Decreased energy
Where 1.4 and 7 is that the vital sadness, impaired thinking and feelings of guilt, depression victims come to have suicidal thoughts, feelings of unjustified guilt delusions and end up in deep sadness, drag them to the bottom of his being and it is very difficult to recover and so much so that they feel unable to feel anything for anything or anyone affected by either disappearing.
All this is a wheel that makes them think about suicide up for that guilt feelings.

Anxiety is superior to the other components of depression, it becomes anxious depression and anxiety there is a constant throughout the day, this means that we have some changes in behavior, with some fluctuations that produce a significant psychological instability, similarly one wants to live isolated from the world around him into a violent crisis that go against everything that is around him.
And nothing trivial issue is that you lose all kinds of pleasure, or sexual level, and level of work or in sports, and the decay is such that it is justified by their physical state but the state of mental depression . See this link, it will be very important for the couple (I am not referring to the meritorious) I mean the comprised of men and women.
I personally think that the themes of the head are extremely difficult to control and it takes a lot of mental strength and great willpower, such as quitting smoking, now that they are so complicated.
Quitting smoking completely proponiéndotelo can be done simply, I smoke for over 25 years, one year if the pairs and the odd-numbered year NO, I give my word of honor and can accredit everyone that knows me , at the stroke of the grapes from the Puerta del Sol, I quit or I hooked, for several years I have reached this point and I just do not smoke anymore, do heck of Tabacalera, taxes and if it causes cancer smoking. 
I invite you to enter this link in Facundo Cabral surely delight them with a poem that says "Not Depressed, these Distracted." It is truly great
Enjoy it and hear it slowly and you hear háganselo especially those who are a little with that "depression", which probably causes the lead Spain to suffer, but with determination, with integrity, with great courage and with the invaluable help of the family, this will change.
Greetings and happy week
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