either in a city whose name I do not remember, or name of this country formerly known as Spain, came to the Mayor and Lady Mayoress of the city, p X erteneciente political party to request a quote paint the front of City Hall, making a bid.
HE. X City Council received three bids or proposals, a group of English, another a German and a third of a English group, which is why we are the last in the ranking of the European Community on merit.
English Given these marked differences
Mr. Mayor and Lady Mayoress are separate interviews with three groups of Works and fudge, for an explanation of why these differences and to justify these amounts.
The English, says she uses acrylic paint for exteriors and they have to use two layers of this painting and the cost is EUR 1 million, another million euros for scaffolding, special brushes and insurance of all kinds and the third million is earmarked for labor.
Mr Mayor or Madam Mayor seems highly appropriate or indicated, and congratulated him. Okay.
talk is available in German indicating that justifies its budget is a façade specialist and is the best painter of the European Community and used polyurethane paint, which will give the facades of three layers of this face paint and that this represents a cost of 3 million, 2 million is for the acquisition of licenses, insurance, and other material and the remaining one million is for labor.
Mr Mayor or Madam Mayor, is very pleased or pleased and tells. Okay
And it is the turn English and last bidder that after talking with the Mayor and the Lady Mayoress and give its justifications is that finally brings the work to paint the front of the Hon. Town Hall, X English city.
The English told Mr. Mayor and Mrs. Mayor, "Look, Mr. Mayor and Mayoress of the 9 million who would ask you paint the front of your Excellency. City Hall, 3 million are for you, 3 million euros for me, I had the idea and the remaining 3 billion we give it to English to paint the facade.
The English told Mr. Mayor and Mrs. Mayor, "Look, Mr. Mayor and Mayoress of the 9 million who would ask you paint the front of your Excellency. City Hall, 3 million are for you, 3 million euros for me, I had the idea and the remaining 3 billion we give it to English to paint the facade.
PS Eye and it is clear that: Any resemblance to the political life of your area is purely coincidental!

Spain is wrong, and is not good that the political forces do nothing to stop the debauchery that is screeching the democratic structures.
There is no justification for not taking action of any kind in very serious issues that are happening around the country and what politicians do? Politicians cross their arms and nobody does anything to keep the privilege if it was settled. Sultry.
There is no justification for not taking action of any kind in very serious issues that are happening around the country and what politicians do? Politicians cross their arms and nobody does anything to keep the privilege if it was settled. Sultry.
Therefore I do the same, do not take them seriously and I work a good laugh today of things that happen to smart women.
One morning on vacation, the husband of a my friend, returns to his cabin after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap after lunch.
My friend, although not familiar with the lake, decides to leave the boat to read quietly in the middle of the lake. So gets into the lake, throw the anchor and read a good book.
comes a Guardian in his boat approaches the woman and says,
- "Good morning, ma'am. What are you doing? -
'- reading a book "she replies (thinking" Is not it obvious? ") - Is in restricted area to fish-agent tells him.
- Excuse me, officer, but I'm not fishing, I'm reading -
"Yes, but it whole team, so I could start at any time, I have to take it and stop it.
- If you do that, I'll be accused of sexual abuse says the woman -
"But not even touched! - Said the guard.
- True, but have all the equipment. From what I see, could start at any moment ... -
"Excuse me, have a nice day, mother - and left ....
Never argue with a woman who reads ... ..
After a couple of hours my friend back to the cottage
as her husband was still sleeping because they decided to call her friend Stephanie, who like her forties was and divorced and had one year earlier that night had his first date with a friend also divorced (I am very decent and in my stories no adultery).
Well my friend called and as Stephanie picks up the phone, he asks: "Hi ......
Tell me ..... "How was your date the other night? Horrible !........!
-I do not know what happened!
- "Why ?............ "" It gave you one kiss?
- If !!!..... "She kissed me so hard and bit my lips until I thought it was going to exploit the collagen implant .......... then I stroked her hair and left me some extensions I had. "
- "Do not tell me stop there?
- "Nooo ...... it goes, then took my face in his hands, until I had to ask him not to do more, because I was crushing the Botox, moreover, that my eyelashes were you stuck in the nose. "
- "And did not try anything else?
- "Yes .... he began to stroke my legs and I pulled .. Because I remembered that there was no nest
you time to shave ...... trying to stop, I left two of the tips. Then he went into a frenzy amazing lust and hugged me so hard that he almost left my prosthetic buttocks in his hands and I almost burst the silicone implants in my breasts. "
- "And then what?
- "You got to drink champagne in my shoe!
- "There ..... how romantic" ... ..
- "Romantic ?..... silent woman ... almost died. "
- "Because you swallowed the bunion corrector was in and almost drowned."
- "And then what happened?
- "Believe me that was .... To me being a fag!
great week and wait patiently for the month of March and at least think that this government has less days to hurt the English people.
and should take careful note of movements in the North African countries, is only a notice to mariners that we should not forget.

My friend, although not familiar with the lake, decides to leave the boat to read quietly in the middle of the lake. So gets into the lake, throw the anchor and read a good book.
comes a Guardian in his boat approaches the woman and says,
- "Good morning, ma'am. What are you doing? -
'- reading a book "she replies (thinking" Is not it obvious? ") - Is in restricted area to fish-agent tells him.
- Excuse me, officer, but I'm not fishing, I'm reading -
"Yes, but it whole team, so I could start at any time, I have to take it and stop it.
- If you do that, I'll be accused of sexual abuse says the woman -
"But not even touched! - Said the guard.
- True, but have all the equipment. From what I see, could start at any moment ... -
"Excuse me, have a nice day, mother - and left ....
Never argue with a woman who reads ... ..
After a couple of hours my friend back to the cottage

Well my friend called and as Stephanie picks up the phone, he asks: "Hi ......
Tell me ..... "How was your date the other night? Horrible !........!
-I do not know what happened!
- "Why ?............ "" It gave you one kiss?

- "Do not tell me stop there?
- "Nooo ...... it goes, then took my face in his hands, until I had to ask him not to do more, because I was crushing the Botox, moreover, that my eyelashes were you stuck in the nose. "
- "And did not try anything else?
- "Yes .... he began to stroke my legs and I pulled .. Because I remembered that there was no nest

- "And then what?
- "You got to drink champagne in my shoe!
- "There ..... how romantic" ... ..
- "Romantic ?..... silent woman ... almost died. "
- "Because you swallowed the bunion corrector was in and almost drowned."
- "And then what happened?
- "Believe me that was .... To me being a fag!
great week and wait patiently for the month of March and at least think that this government has less days to hurt the English people.
and should take careful note of movements in the North African countries, is only a notice to mariners that we should not forget.
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