Everything is just knowing, for example: The Hoax, the kidnapping of the CATALAN COOPERATING!
I had known, and already knows without Wikyleaks.
All this was known in all the offices in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut has naturally tried to hide, because there was not that they would be kidnapped in this great tour.

a wheel of one of the trucks used for the trip that they would help pay, and his rescue that has cost 8 million euros know.
Solidarity Action director occupies three public office.
One of the abductees is Gecoinsa counselor, business related to the 'case Pretoria', the wife of the Mayor of Barcelona traveled with the convoy while not cooperating

http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/12/03/barcelona/1259839853.html . Case Pretoria
For its part, the cooperating Roque Pascual, who lives in Santa Coloma de Gramanet and that little has been said that apart from a businessman, took nothing less than the CEO position in the construction Gecoinsa, focused company urban projects in Barcelona red belt. E

also Gecoinsa does not pay its suppliers since 2008 and a little less than a month convened a meeting of creditors.
The director of the NGO, Francesc Osán i Tort, is also a man of the house and holds the positions of Counsel to the City Diplomacy of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Advisor to the Ruler of Participation and Solidarity of City Council and Director of Citizen Participation of the City and its goals, the can guess yourself.
also Osán also revealed in his Facebook his main interests are "travel, adventure games and doing nothing", a real adventurer, although he was not able to see pirate earring and an armful of bracelets that looked before everything happened. Enter my article of August 29, 2010. DOUBTFUL Onges THERE?
Alicia Gamez, the first to be released, has spent 20 years as an officer in judging

But on this trip were not only donors but also as Bethlehem escorts Cosín, wife of the Mayor of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJordi Hereu. The mayor of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJordi Hereu, has revealed that his wife, Bethlehem Cosín, and delegate the presidency Ignasi Cardelús part of the group of 14 aid workers of the trailer found in Dakar and another group of 7 in a city Moroccan.
Despite appearing in photographs with other volunteers and Hereu confirmed that on 30 December, the NGO has denied that Cosín GAZETTE "work" with them. What is obvious is that enjoyed a trip paid for by West African women with the delegate of the Presidency of the Generalitat, Ignasi Cardelús.
were added also the coordinator Area Sports Hall, Toni Camps; workers Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona and two firefighters, among others.

All this was paid for with public money and large corporations, many with interests in municipal licenses. One of the main sponsors of the caravan is grass, a subsidiary of Ferrovial Servicios, which is dedicated to providing environmental services and waste management and treatment.
Friends, or the people into action as in Libya or here does not fix the institutionalized corruption. Here it feels nothing happens, these "sausages" rampant and while we have five million unemployed and thousands of families have nothing to put in their mouths.
Until when? Political "cheesy", I only look upon the navel while the people apart and then this ridiculous president of government medals for placing the stands cheered on by his group of clappers unpresentable that one day will be held accountable for their actions to the sovereign people

a short break from the hype called Transition the English have convinced him that politics is not his and that is better than others take care of it. Maybe the English pay the legacy of its history of great empire, of great lords and the country was valid and freeloaders. I know country as rich as Spain, which has been keeping wasteful and incompetent for so long.
Alexander said: Behold the country's citizens who want to dominate and know the quality of their rulers.
Happy weekend and retrain all and go out into the street to ask for an end both "mamoneo" of the friends of power.
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