Hair Like Meagan Good
To make matters worse, I think we're gonna be the last straw was what we needed, when a government like ours shows weakness, it is amenable to high-handedness and eye because it will present at throughout this country, formerly known as Spain, a new Muslim party that seeks a "moral and ethical regeneration in Spain ." Is that it? says the slain dead.
The first national Muslim party is now a reality in Spain. It is called Renaissance Party, Union of Spain (PRUNE) and want to gain representation in key municipalities and power in those who constitute the majority of inhabitants should know because, as in Spain there are 1.3 million Muslims.
not to take a joke, the parties have achieved a great deal hinges on imperfect democratic Spain which we live and suffer, look at the Galician Nationalist Bloc, or
Izquierda Unida in the Basque Country, remember the achievements of the tripartite Catalonia and do not think that end this nightmare, we never forget how she spent the Andalusian Party, Izquierda Unida or maintaining a socialist regime in the South in exchange for their beans.
against the backdrop of minorities and political polarization, the initiative is distressing given the ethical and national political level and conveniences city, this may be a pivotal stepping stone for that rock the cradle of this match beyond the Strait of Gibraltar.
Bakkach Mustafa, tells ABC, a Muslim is akin to the views of Rabat, luckily it is not those of the Islamic terrorist Al Qaeda or extremists of the Afghan burka, this is Moroccan, journalist and professor Arabic in Granada and is a prominent member of the Muslim community named "Al Hijra ', an activity that goes against the treasurer of the Islamic Council of Spain, Sufi character entity, composed mostly of English converts belonging to the Islamic Jamaa -Lig
a Moorish.
What is "The Hegira"? The announcement of a new era in the history of Islam, because of its historical and conceptual occurred when, under the second caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattab, raised the question of adopting a separate Muslim calendar, the companions of Muhammad decided by unanimously to set the Hijra as the beginning of the new schedule, starting date in preference to other important events such as the birth of the prophet or the day he had his first revelation. Muhammad did not intend to preach only faith but also "putting faith into action." Their meaning that your imagination wants to contribute, but no good for peace, hence in the entire history of Islam nothing can compare to this in terms of its historical importance and its ideological consequences, social, political and cultural. Does
friend? Mustafa lives in Spain for 15 years and devotes much of his activity in support of immigrants. Recently, though with reservations, went to Rabat invited to one of the glories of Mohamed VI.
His new party is the Renaissance Party, Union of Spain (PRUNE) - first Islamic-minded training implemented in Spain, wants to gain representation in key cities after the 2011 elections. To do so will to gain support not only among the almost 1,300,000 Muslims living in Spain, a figure much higher than the votes in recent elections by IU, CiU and PNV, but also among all the other immigrants who feel helpless.
was conceived early last year in Granada, "With a clear vocation of national level and not to take hold only in one locality or autonomous region," stated in its internal newsletter "map." The training recognizes that strive to achieve their objectives "From the consideration of Islam as a source of such principle, namely" Islam will take into account in its action policy, considering it as a factor in moral and ethical regeneration of English society. "
Despite being a religious party says it abides by the Constitution and rejects terrorism as a means of doing politics.
Is Spain secular? And according to Wikipedia, a state is non-denominational when it adheres to a religion. What Islam painted here? guess you'd Vds.
The formation was registered in the register of the Ministry of the Interior on July 23. The first on the forehead that might give you is in Asturias, birthplace of Reconquista. And there have opened an office so there is no doubt what the intentions, the second branch of Granada and then come the rest of Andalusia and then radiate to other areas where there is a strong Muslim community.
Although Moroccans can not vote in Spain. It is possible that the Zapatero government sign several agreements with Rabat reciprocity between those who would slip one that would allow citizens to vote in Spain and Morocco to allow that there are few English Morocco to do the same. Similar agreements have been signed with other countries that have large quantities and immigrants in Spain.
While some government media, ABC says, there is concern that the number of immigrants is close to 2 million people of which half can be Moroccans, because there is more municipalities that are now a majority , Muslims and try to impose their own customs, some local control, the customs may then acquire the status of municipal law.
Concern is increasing suspicion that behind the party is Morocco, a country with interests adverse to the English.
Others, however, suspect they are the medium-term interests of the PSOE to need to rely on a match hinge, those behind this policy initiative, or at least, after little opposition to it. The PP in the clouds, in case anyone thinks I mean a town of Leon, no, the status of "being in the clouds" is "be distracted and stupefied, and thinking far from what it is trying" .
We have to remember the absence of complaints Socialists of beating of women for not wearing a veil, not a word of their hard-working feminist artists or eyebrow, which "Nine out of ten is used and 10 arrives talent "and the silence of its leaders to the persecution of homosexuals in Islamic countries and the lack of reciprocity of treatment with
year after.
As data added, in the town of Lille in France, an Islamist party that was presented to the municipal elections once legalized and registered, became, thanks to Muslim immigrant vote of said town, in a match hinge , whose votes he needs the Socialist mayor to get their proposals.
support of Muslim party called for the segregation of sexes in public swimming pools of the village, to which he responded the Mayor in exchange for support of this party, so that pools of Lille today have separate schedules for men and women, who can no longer bathe together at the demand of this Muslim party that seeks, as has been legalized in Spain impose Islamic morals in France.
From here I mean and require that we not allow Muslim immigrants, rather than integrated into our society, accepting and respecting our democratic principles and live together in respect, we impose Islamic law that transgresses most elementary democratic principles.
is an Invasion the uterus, enter the following link
Mobilize against this invasion, t
smell of our weak government in the absurd world of the Alliance of Civilizations, and a progressive ridicule, or the consequences of this neglect and false tolerance will be tremendous for our Western society, especially for our children and grandchildren, who encounter the problem of lack of freedom impossible to resolve and which could be removed from the start, not allowing the legalization of the political party whose performance standards are consistent with those issued Islamic Law.
disagree with the legalization of Renaissance and Union Party of Spain (PRUNE). In the says PRUNE President Mustafa Bakkach, presented formally in Grenada Renaissance Party, Union of Spain (PRUNE), whose most prominent hallmark is the inspiration of Islam.
To Bakkach, the main goal is to stand for election in 2011, for those with 'many people willing to form in different parts lists Spain, as in Granada, Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAsturias, Murcia, Valencia and Toledo. Bakkach also wanted to highlight at all times the protection of minorities as a fundamental premise of his party. That bad.
Finally, Bakkach has denied any link between the presentation of the party in Granada and the holding of the summit between the EU and Morocco. On this issue, has expressed his "support for the outcome of the summit" and the "nonsense of the Saharawi protests in the city."
enter my second blog will see a video RUSSIAN, assaulting a Somali pirate boat and applying the law of the sea against the pirates sea, are killed without trial and in this case his own ship exploding. Moving but truthful.
NOTE: Click on the photograph and expand. Watch the Blog 2 ยบ
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