No wonder politicians want to make a law that is colloquially censorship to freedom of expression are seeing from all instances they are airing their shame if they have them.
is evidence that the millions of MSN, email, via mobile and the Internet has managed to exasperate politicians in this country. There has been recognition of the crisis that has led them to get off the salary, lowering testimonial and ridiculous, but notif

must continue to denounce and take action on all these messages that I put into evidence. And watch these mindless that you immediately branded a fascist, red or whatever, to try to divert attention from the issues, here are reported the political class in general with a BASTA YA!
Why a deputy with just seven years of practice, and chooses to retire with full rights and a worker needs 35?
For more things you denounce:
Being a politician is a bargain with privileges available to them and their heirs. A circle of about 80,000 people closed and opaque.
with Zapatero and Rajoy earns in a month, a pensioner with four children and lives for two years.
2 .- It is the lack of control, that in Spain there is no single institution who knows how many political charge of the State, Arenas talked last night, presidential candidate of the PP in Andalucia Veo7 and did not know how many people had television in Andalusia, he said that thousands, many camouflaged by it, is it possible that this data statistic, it is impossible to give, because no one knows?. Truly insulting to the ordinary citizen.
3 .- A English man has a maximum pension of 32,000 euros per year, but politicians are entitled to much higher annuities. 74,000 euros in the case of the first sword of La Casta. Furthermore, these pensions are not inconsistent with other salaries of government or other economic activities. A deputy or senator is to be only seven years in office to qualify for the maximum pension, while self-employed or employed person needs 35 years of contributions.
4 .- The retention of deputies and senators payroll is only 4.5%.
5 .- Did you paying out of pocket DGT fines imposed on politicians? And also the premium paid?
6 .- Travel unnecessary? For example: A congressional committee requests permission for 60 members traveling to the Canary Islands four days to study the cultivation of bananas. A luxury all clear.
7 .- Zapatero is the only president of the EU to charge expenses to the budget holiday state. Travel with 100 people for three weeks.
8 .- Aznar, Jose Maria: is the only former Prime Minister has requested the salary for life which is sitting on the Council of State: 74,000 euros per year, which sought to add payroll to executive tycoon Rupert Murdoch press, but he denied it out profitably. Aznar gave a salary of 220,000 euros a year, three times what it charged as a state councilor. [It is difficult to quantify, as in the case of other former presidents, how much money they combine their private and public activities].
9.-TRUANCY: there are no official data on the failure to work politicians or at least not made public.
10.-AVIONES: Members can use at will under state coffers planes, trains or ships. Feature of 5,000,000 euros per year for travel.
11.-BONO, JOSE: between salary and allowances, the president of Congress charges 13,856 euros per month: 3,126 per member, in addition to 3,605, 3,915 for expenses
3,210 representation and freely available. The last two items totaling more than 6,000 euros a month for meals, gifts and acts of protocol. All this money without the compensation provided by law to cover "expenses that are indispensable for the exercise of its function ' and still account for his alleged and immense fortune and we know you play the lottery ever.
12.-BOTELLA, Joseph, brother of José María Aznar was signed in Brussels, from the offices of the PP in the capital. In court official who was considered for determining a member, Gerardo Galeote, who headed the delegation popular in Europe. In less than two years, the brother of Ana Botella is shielded with a European salary for life.
13.-CALDERA, JESUS: former Minister of Labour and Social Affairs received 6,319 euros a month for his seat in the House, where he rounded his salary as a member of the Provincial Standing Committee and chairman of a committee. When I was minister raised the minimum wage to 600 euros. Four years later, his salary is 10 times that figure, which receives simply by not opening your mouth. Caldera has not submitted a single initiative and has participated in the Congress since the beginning of the current legislature. Eventually, in 2009 claimed more than 120,000 euros for services rendered.
14.-CARGOS: There are 8,112 mayors and 65,896 councilors, 1,206 regional parliament, 1,031 provincial deputies, 650 deputies and senators, 139 responsibility of Councils and Island Councils and 13 directors of the Aran Valley.
15.-CASTIGO: we have never sanctioned any politician for violating the Code of Corporate Governance supposed to control the practices of the Executive.
16.-COCHES: the luxury of many autonomous leaders led them to lay their backsides in cars more than 100,000 euros. Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid, moves in an Audi A8 for 591,624 euros. He was hired on lease until 2011, so the mayor spent 150,000 euros a year from the pockets of its citizens to move around the city and beyond. Fourteen of the 17 presidents autonomic used Audi. The Valencian Francisco Camps has several at his disposal (the community has 200 vehicles for their senior officials, most of them Volvo S80, 40,000 euros), as happened with Chavez in Andalusia, which Government has 234 official cars.
17.-CHAVES, MANUEL: 81,155 euros per year charged by a minister more compensation than 46,000 a year to leave the presidency of Andalusia. That is, 127,155 per year. Two government salaries for senior support only. For other English is prohibited by law. This gentleman has given no explanation of the grant was awarded to a company in which her daughter was seized 10 million euros being Mr. Chaves President of the Junta de Andalucía.
18 .- WASTE: Congress spends 160,000 euros each year on Christmas gifts. 11,000 public officials receive gifts for those dates, spending a year totaling 2,200,000 euros.
19.-DEUDAS: every English banks due to 566 euros for the debt of the municipalities. 20.-DESCONTROL
: Is this in the administration of public funds in Spain there is no single institution that knows many politicians come to the state.
21.-DIETAS: parliamentarians who do not live in Madrid also receive salary, some 1,823 euros per month for his alleged expenses and accommodation. Premises, 870 for expenses, tax free. The sum of these simple additions exceeds the salary of 12 million citizens. In addition, they charge 150 euros per day if you go abroad, and 120 when traveling the country.
22.-PLUG: up to three months, each MEP available 17,140 euros a month to hire relatives. The former president of the PP in Catalonia and the European Chamber vice president, Alejo Vidal-Cuadras, put on the payroll as a secretary in Brussels Albert Strong, brother of his wife. And Caceres PP MEP, Philip Nightdress (died May 2009) spouse hired as an assistant, as did the popular MP also Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines with her daughter. So did the Socialist Enrique Barón the daughter of a militant related. (Currently, the family members were removed from the templates of the English deputies. However, blood relatives have been replaced by staff close to the party).
23 .- FOUNDATIONS: 52 national policy positions in 74 different foundations: 31 by the PSOE, the PP 28 and 4 for the other groups. Soledad Becerril conservative is the more active: a member of the board
six foundations. Not all have a distinctly political.
24.-GUERRA QUEEN, ALFONSO: son of former Deputy Prime Minister, Alfonso Guerra. He was handpicked as assistant vice president of the European Parliament, the Socialist Miguel Angel Martinez. Over 140 million a year in salaries of 1,200 are recommended. With that money could retain the services of a English city of 115,000 inhabitants a year.
25 .- FINANCE: payroll withholding of deputies and senators is only 4.5%. 26.-
OVERTIME: in 2008 the government of La Rioja paid € 200,000 extra drivers. Made 870,182 miles, about 2,300 a day, enough to cross three times Spain from east to west. An expense is curious since the smallest community in the country and its population is less than that of any Madrid dormitory town. The use of official cars for private affairs is a practice as common as underground.
27.-IBARRETXE, JUAN JOSE: Former lehendakari Basque Government receives about 45,000 per year, half of what you entered when he was president. And it charged for life, like all members of the executive. Such pensions are well above the legal limit for the rest of the English, who can not collect more than 32,000 per year, by far who have contributed all his life.
28.-IMPUESTOS: a citizen, for example, from Madrid with their taxes based on wages of 27 Councillors, 120 members of the Madrid Assembly, 264 senators, 350 deputies and 54 national Parliament. In total, 815 elected officials with a basic salary of over $ 3,000. And not counting the positions of trust dragging each. GOLD
29.-JUBILADO: after leaving the IMF, Rodrigo Rato returned to Spain with a lifetime pension of $ 80,000 annually. Added to the former minister's salary in 2006 was receiving 37,070 euros per month. (A English needs to contribute at least 35 years, 15 with the highest base in order to collect the maximum pension of 32,000 euros per year). Today, as was natural finger is the President of the Caja de Madrid.
30.-SEAFOOD: no legal limit for meals of English political representation. There is also no pre-inspection when purchasing ham, champagne or cava pure high. Example decontrol is the Valencian Socialist Vicent Costa. Had lost the elections in favor of the PP, but was still acting mayor. And as such it spent nearly 500 euros of public money on shrimps, crayfish, lobster, razor clams, ham and stew. Good bye.
31.-MÓVILES: Senators have 1.7 million euros a year for telephone expenses. The municipality of San Lucar de Barrameda had 270 discharged. Among the services are paid game downloads, Cuba and several calls to erotic lines.
32.-MOROSOS: members of La Casta invested 66.6 million euros in the general elections of 2008. Of that money, 44 million were provided by English banks to finance advertising campaigns megalomaniac. The same entities that crisis year seized homes to 60,000 families for lack of liquidity. 180,000 people were left homeless. However, the parties must Casta banks 144.8 million euros.
33.-NEGOCIOS: only 33% of Members of Congress are dedicated solely to their political work. The rest fattening their bank accounts involving private companies, foundations and various collaborations. Some, like PP deputy Miguel Angel Cortés, bring together up to 12 extra-parliamentary activities. 34 .-
PAYROLL: salaries of elected politicians (80,000 members La Casta, which would fill a stadium like the Real Madrid) costing some 720 million citizens per year, more than the annual budget of the entire rail network, three times the money spent caring and 60 national treasures times more than what the country spends on oral health for young people.
35 .- Pajín LEIRE: in 2000 crowned the youngest Member of Spain. Eight years later, at age 33, and is entitled to compensation of 85,000 euros per year by the State. Receive 5,500 euros per month for his work as head of the PSOE, is entitled to 80% of their salary as former Secretary of State for Cooperation, 103,000 per year with all supplements, to which must be added 3126 as a senator. Now Prime Minister, his great merits have earned this distinctive addition to its great humanistic and professional preparation in the world of medicine.
36.-PENSIÓN OF SCANDAL: former ministers hold for two years a pension of 58,000 grants per year, or six times the average pension English. Currently, four former ministers compatible in that money with the salary of deputy: José Antonio Alonso, Fernández Bermejo, María Antonia Trujillo, Jesus Caldera.
37.-PROSTITUTES: Councilman Palma de Mallorca, Rodrigo de Santos, spent over 50,000 euros in prostitutes and gay bars. In Estepona, several local members are being investigated for charging 42,000 euros to a network investigated by the National Court to open a club hostess. In 2002, former mayor of Dolores (Alicante) was sentenced to six months in prison for paying the bill from a local hostess, attended by seven people.
38.-REGALOS: there is no specific law on the gifts they can accept or not the politicians. In the U.S., for example, go to the State. Condoleezza Rice received last year in official travel jewelry worth 360,000 euros. Nobody here is obliged to declare. You can stay with them. No more.
39.-SOLBES, PEDRO: After leaving politics in April 2009, former finance minister met with a withdrawal of some 12,000 euros a month (a pension of 2,725 euros to be official, his annuity as a former European commissioner and other 5,700 a month as compensation for two years, by former minister). A Solbes, therefore, expect a retirement five times greater than that of any English.
40.-SECRETOS: obscurantism on expenditure reaches the absurd. The European Parliament has an Office of Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF, for its acronym in English). However, their reports are confidential and its entire content is known only by parliamentarians. Voters can learn from good actions of politicians, but only La Casta known fraud data.
41.-NO LIMITS: Each regional parliament, council or city council establishes the salary of their elected officials without any limits or scale. José Bolarín Mayor Ulea (Murcia), with 900 inhabitants, charges about $ 4,000. The Ricote, near the old village, takes 40,000 a year in a population that does not reach the 1,300 residents. And the mayor of Marbella, Marisol Yagüe, charged more than the prime minister: 84,462 euros per year in a municipality that was in bankruptcy.
42.-TAXIS: the comfort of your lordships to do their job is such that Congress gives to those who own cars do not have a personalized card with a balance of € 250 per month for traveling by taxi in Madrid.
All these events may have been some changes in more or less in recent months, but all have occurred and still occur today in many cases and we have not talked about the atrocities committed in the unions, but it would be endless.
Pass this to all your friends and acquaintances. Forward it to all your contacts, you need to know around the world, the handling of these alleged mobsters. Among
end the crisis, we are not fooled
For more things you denounce:
Being a politician is a bargain with privileges available to them and their heirs. A circle of about 80,000 people closed and opaque.
with Zapatero and Rajoy earns in a month, a pensioner with four children and lives for two years.
2 .- It is the lack of control, that in Spain there is no single institution who knows how many political charge of the State, Arenas talked last night, presidential candidate of the PP in Andalucia Veo7 and did not know how many people had television in Andalusia, he said that thousands, many camouflaged by it, is it possible that this data statistic, it is impossible to give, because no one knows?. Truly insulting to the ordinary citizen.
3 .- A English man has a maximum pension of 32,000 euros per year, but politicians are entitled to much higher annuities. 74,000 euros in the case of the first sword of La Casta. Furthermore, these pensions are not inconsistent with other salaries of government or other economic activities. A deputy or senator is to be only seven years in office to qualify for the maximum pension, while self-employed or employed person needs 35 years of contributions.
4 .- The retention of deputies and senators payroll is only 4.5%.
5 .- Did you paying out of pocket DGT fines imposed on politicians? And also the premium paid?
6 .- Travel unnecessary? For example: A congressional committee requests permission for 60 members traveling to the Canary Islands four days to study the cultivation of bananas. A luxury all clear.
7 .- Zapatero is the only president of the EU to charge expenses to the budget holiday state. Travel with 100 people for three weeks.

8 .- Aznar, Jose Maria: is the only former Prime Minister has requested the salary for life which is sitting on the Council of State: 74,000 euros per year, which sought to add payroll to executive tycoon Rupert Murdoch press, but he denied it out profitably. Aznar gave a salary of 220,000 euros a year, three times what it charged as a state councilor. [It is difficult to quantify, as in the case of other former presidents, how much money they combine their private and public activities].
9.-TRUANCY: there are no official data on the failure to work politicians or at least not made public.
10.-AVIONES: Members can use at will under state coffers planes, trains or ships. Feature of 5,000,000 euros per year for travel.
11.-BONO, JOSE: between salary and allowances, the president of Congress charges 13,856 euros per month: 3,126 per member, in addition to 3,605, 3,915 for expenses

12.-BOTELLA, Joseph, brother of José María Aznar was signed in Brussels, from the offices of the PP in the capital. In court official who was considered for determining a member, Gerardo Galeote, who headed the delegation popular in Europe. In less than two years, the brother of Ana Botella is shielded with a European salary for life.
13.-CALDERA, JESUS: former Minister of Labour and Social Affairs received 6,319 euros a month for his seat in the House, where he rounded his salary as a member of the Provincial Standing Committee and chairman of a committee. When I was minister raised the minimum wage to 600 euros. Four years later, his salary is 10 times that figure, which receives simply by not opening your mouth. Caldera has not submitted a single initiative and has participated in the Congress since the beginning of the current legislature. Eventually, in 2009 claimed more than 120,000 euros for services rendered.
14.-CARGOS: There are 8,112 mayors and 65,896 councilors, 1,206 regional parliament, 1,031 provincial deputies, 650 deputies and senators, 139 responsibility of Councils and Island Councils and 13 directors of the Aran Valley.
15.-CASTIGO: we have never sanctioned any politician for violating the Code of Corporate Governance supposed to control the practices of the Executive.
16.-COCHES: the luxury of many autonomous leaders led them to lay their backsides in cars more than 100,000 euros. Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid, moves in an Audi A8 for 591,624 euros. He was hired on lease until 2011, so the mayor spent 150,000 euros a year from the pockets of its citizens to move around the city and beyond. Fourteen of the 17 presidents autonomic used Audi. The Valencian Francisco Camps has several at his disposal (the community has 200 vehicles for their senior officials, most of them Volvo S80, 40,000 euros), as happened with Chavez in Andalusia, which Government has 234 official cars.

17.-CHAVES, MANUEL: 81,155 euros per year charged by a minister more compensation than 46,000 a year to leave the presidency of Andalusia. That is, 127,155 per year. Two government salaries for senior support only. For other English is prohibited by law. This gentleman has given no explanation of the grant was awarded to a company in which her daughter was seized 10 million euros being Mr. Chaves President of the Junta de Andalucía.
18 .- WASTE: Congress spends 160,000 euros each year on Christmas gifts. 11,000 public officials receive gifts for those dates, spending a year totaling 2,200,000 euros.
19.-DEUDAS: every English banks due to 566 euros for the debt of the municipalities. 20.-DESCONTROL
: Is this in the administration of public funds in Spain there is no single institution that knows many politicians come to the state.
21.-DIETAS: parliamentarians who do not live in Madrid also receive salary, some 1,823 euros per month for his alleged expenses and accommodation. Premises, 870 for expenses, tax free. The sum of these simple additions exceeds the salary of 12 million citizens. In addition, they charge 150 euros per day if you go abroad, and 120 when traveling the country.
22.-PLUG: up to three months, each MEP available 17,140 euros a month to hire relatives. The former president of the PP in Catalonia and the European Chamber vice president, Alejo Vidal-Cuadras, put on the payroll as a secretary in Brussels Albert Strong, brother of his wife. And Caceres PP MEP, Philip Nightdress (died May 2009) spouse hired as an assistant, as did the popular MP also Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines with her daughter. So did the Socialist Enrique Barón the daughter of a militant related. (Currently, the family members were removed from the templates of the English deputies. However, blood relatives have been replaced by staff close to the party).
23 .- FOUNDATIONS: 52 national policy positions in 74 different foundations: 31 by the PSOE, the PP 28 and 4 for the other groups. Soledad Becerril conservative is the more active: a member of the board

24.-GUERRA QUEEN, ALFONSO: son of former Deputy Prime Minister, Alfonso Guerra. He was handpicked as assistant vice president of the European Parliament, the Socialist Miguel Angel Martinez. Over 140 million a year in salaries of 1,200 are recommended. With that money could retain the services of a English city of 115,000 inhabitants a year.
25 .- FINANCE: payroll withholding of deputies and senators is only 4.5%. 26.-
OVERTIME: in 2008 the government of La Rioja paid € 200,000 extra drivers. Made 870,182 miles, about 2,300 a day, enough to cross three times Spain from east to west. An expense is curious since the smallest community in the country and its population is less than that of any Madrid dormitory town. The use of official cars for private affairs is a practice as common as underground.
27.-IBARRETXE, JUAN JOSE: Former lehendakari Basque Government receives about 45,000 per year, half of what you entered when he was president. And it charged for life, like all members of the executive. Such pensions are well above the legal limit for the rest of the English, who can not collect more than 32,000 per year, by far who have contributed all his life.
28.-IMPUESTOS: a citizen, for example, from Madrid with their taxes based on wages of 27 Councillors, 120 members of the Madrid Assembly, 264 senators, 350 deputies and 54 national Parliament. In total, 815 elected officials with a basic salary of over $ 3,000. And not counting the positions of trust dragging each. GOLD
29.-JUBILADO: after leaving the IMF, Rodrigo Rato returned to Spain with a lifetime pension of $ 80,000 annually. Added to the former minister's salary in 2006 was receiving 37,070 euros per month. (A English needs to contribute at least 35 years, 15 with the highest base in order to collect the maximum pension of 32,000 euros per year). Today, as was natural finger is the President of the Caja de Madrid.
30.-SEAFOOD: no legal limit for meals of English political representation. There is also no pre-inspection when purchasing ham, champagne or cava pure high. Example decontrol is the Valencian Socialist Vicent Costa. Had lost the elections in favor of the PP, but was still acting mayor. And as such it spent nearly 500 euros of public money on shrimps, crayfish, lobster, razor clams, ham and stew. Good bye.
31.-MÓVILES: Senators have 1.7 million euros a year for telephone expenses. The municipality of San Lucar de Barrameda had 270 discharged. Among the services are paid game downloads, Cuba and several calls to erotic lines.
32.-MOROSOS: members of La Casta invested 66.6 million euros in the general elections of 2008. Of that money, 44 million were provided by English banks to finance advertising campaigns megalomaniac. The same entities that crisis year seized homes to 60,000 families for lack of liquidity. 180,000 people were left homeless. However, the parties must Casta banks 144.8 million euros.
33.-NEGOCIOS: only 33% of Members of Congress are dedicated solely to their political work. The rest fattening their bank accounts involving private companies, foundations and various collaborations. Some, like PP deputy Miguel Angel Cortés, bring together up to 12 extra-parliamentary activities. 34 .-
PAYROLL: salaries of elected politicians (80,000 members La Casta, which would fill a stadium like the Real Madrid) costing some 720 million citizens per year, more than the annual budget of the entire rail network, three times the money spent caring and 60 national treasures times more than what the country spends on oral health for young people.

35 .- Pajín LEIRE: in 2000 crowned the youngest Member of Spain. Eight years later, at age 33, and is entitled to compensation of 85,000 euros per year by the State. Receive 5,500 euros per month for his work as head of the PSOE, is entitled to 80% of their salary as former Secretary of State for Cooperation, 103,000 per year with all supplements, to which must be added 3126 as a senator. Now Prime Minister, his great merits have earned this distinctive addition to its great humanistic and professional preparation in the world of medicine.
36.-PENSIÓN OF SCANDAL: former ministers hold for two years a pension of 58,000 grants per year, or six times the average pension English. Currently, four former ministers compatible in that money with the salary of deputy: José Antonio Alonso, Fernández Bermejo, María Antonia Trujillo, Jesus Caldera.
37.-PROSTITUTES: Councilman Palma de Mallorca, Rodrigo de Santos, spent over 50,000 euros in prostitutes and gay bars. In Estepona, several local members are being investigated for charging 42,000 euros to a network investigated by the National Court to open a club hostess. In 2002, former mayor of Dolores (Alicante) was sentenced to six months in prison for paying the bill from a local hostess, attended by seven people.
38.-REGALOS: there is no specific law on the gifts they can accept or not the politicians. In the U.S., for example, go to the State. Condoleezza Rice received last year in official travel jewelry worth 360,000 euros. Nobody here is obliged to declare. You can stay with them. No more.
39.-SOLBES, PEDRO: After leaving politics in April 2009, former finance minister met with a withdrawal of some 12,000 euros a month (a pension of 2,725 euros to be official, his annuity as a former European commissioner and other 5,700 a month as compensation for two years, by former minister). A Solbes, therefore, expect a retirement five times greater than that of any English.
40.-SECRETOS: obscurantism on expenditure reaches the absurd. The European Parliament has an Office of Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF, for its acronym in English). However, their reports are confidential and its entire content is known only by parliamentarians. Voters can learn from good actions of politicians, but only La Casta known fraud data.
41.-NO LIMITS: Each regional parliament, council or city council establishes the salary of their elected officials without any limits or scale. José Bolarín Mayor Ulea (Murcia), with 900 inhabitants, charges about $ 4,000. The Ricote, near the old village, takes 40,000 a year in a population that does not reach the 1,300 residents. And the mayor of Marbella, Marisol Yagüe, charged more than the prime minister: 84,462 euros per year in a municipality that was in bankruptcy.

42.-TAXIS: the comfort of your lordships to do their job is such that Congress gives to those who own cars do not have a personalized card with a balance of € 250 per month for traveling by taxi in Madrid.
All these events may have been some changes in more or less in recent months, but all have occurred and still occur today in many cases and we have not talked about the atrocities committed in the unions, but it would be endless.
Pass this to all your friends and acquaintances. Forward it to all your contacts, you need to know around the world, the handling of these alleged mobsters. Among
end the crisis, we are not fooled
Best wishes. And repeat as often as needed
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