our government and politicians in general for several days, because they are running with Spain and our patience and why they were awarded some privileges that are not worthy, but today I want to clear my head a bit and I'll have something more bearable and finish a good reflection.

Let's start with some of those sayings that our parents taught us and to them their parents and so on to Viriato, as you know was a nightmare for the Romans in the times of Tito Livio, beyond 140 before the century Christ and was the first leader who managed to bring together the Lusitanian and Hispanics to achieve independence from the Iberian peninsula at that.
These sayings have been transformed into more modern so I think most vulgar and surely made a baker, because the bread has a lot of "crumb."

"The early bird .... Is fully closed
"Love from afar .... Blessed are the four "
" gift horse .... It must be stolen "
" Do it right .... Without looking with whom "
" Behind every man who wins .... There is a surprised woman "
" When a millionaire goes to a better life .... His heirs also "
" Love is blind .... Only marriage can restore view "

" Teamwork is essential .... Allows you to blame other "
" Better safe .... That breastfeeding "
" He who laughs last .... Did not get the joke "
" There's a better world .... But it is expensive "
" Today two words that will open many doors .... PULL AND PUSH "
" Every last time .... Preceded "
" Fish that uphill battle .... Dies electrocuted "
" If a little bird tells you something .... You know you're mad as birds n

"Having a clear conscience .... It is a symptom of bad memory "
" If the mountain comes to you .... CAUTION! It's an earthquake "
" Every 10 people who watch TV .... 5 are half "
" 9 out of 10 actresses use it .... The tenth comes by his talent "
" The important thing is not knowing ... But having the phone q ue know "
" The honest .... They are social misfits "

" Happy are those who do not expect .... Because they will never be disappointed "
" The sad thing is not to go to the cemetery ... The trouble is to stay "
"I'm not completely useless ... at least serve as an example"
"Evil Outbreak many ... ..."
And to finish with something more transcendent, I will tell the simple story of two men in a Social Security hospital who were very ill in the same room.

One was allowed to sit in bed every evening, for an hour, to help drain the fluid from his lungs, because his bed was the only window.
The other man had to spend all his time on his back.
The two talked for hours, women talked about their families, their homes, their jobs, stay in the military, where they had been almost on vacation.

And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, passed the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see from his window.
He did so well that the man in the other bed began to wish that those one hour periods where the world is broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the outside world.
The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake with ducks and swans played with the water while children sailed their model boats, bicycles

walked arm in arm, between flowers of all colors of the rainbow. Large trees graced the landscape and you could see in the distance a beautiful view of the city line.
man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by and though the other man could not hear the band, could see with the eyes of his mind, exactly as described by the man window with his magical words.
passed days and weeks and one morning, the nurse came in for baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.

As soon as we consider appropriate, the man asked to be moved across the bed by the window.
The nurse will change delighted and after making sure he was comfortable, she left the room and then very slowly and painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside

The man immediately called the nurse and asked what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things through the window.
The nurse said the man was blind and could not even see the wall and told him: - Perhaps only wanted to encourage you -
is tremendous happiness in making others happy, whether

If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can not buy.
"Today is a gift, it is called PRESENT"

The history of this paper is of an unknown person came to me in a very particular, but it brings good luck to all who transmits it, comment it, it costs nothing to make people think a bit more about others and not just in the sales of January and that this whole time of his life in navel gazing.
Happy weekend and you think about it.
Note: Clik or click on the pictures, enlarge as the great love
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