Financial Times dares to break with the slogans of the English left, and flushing of the unions are reminded that "the democratic Spain of the Franco regime inherited a high level of protection for permanent employees, but when the economy grew after the transition and the introduction of temporary employment contracts, such protection did not extend to temporary workers.
To see if it will be the end that Franco was more socialist Zapatero?

Its vertical union was like this left, undemocratic, but cost less money and not have to withstand the blackmail of their unions and the current vertical and if anyone wants to check, ask social graduates and experienced that and they say, the workers were better protected than at present and the employer is "married" materially forever with their employees, unless doing any wrongdoing.
unions Grants awarded in 2009:
http://madrid.indymedia.org/node/13311 Why? You'll see.
Zapatero has gotten abysmal imbalance between rich and poor, if we translate the language so fond of using ZP, but the contrast between what you earn big money and jobs that English workers lose, it happens only here in Spain, and not the rest of Europe. Why?, Since very simple,

Photo: Ferran and 3 masqueperros
You turn me D. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, we only have reason to say thanks to you, we are in the most infamous national ruin the story our Spain in recent centuries and achieved:
1. The highest rate of unemployment in the history of Spain.
2. The largest movement of illegal immigration in the history of Spain
3. Support to terrorists and again and in different ways.
4. Support miserable dictatorships in the world: Hamas, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Morocco, etc., Etc.
5. The sovereign people lying on the economic crisis saying that there was no such crisis.
6. Repeatedly lying about the economic recovery that announces once and again, knowing it is not true, you are very "weary" in the subject.
7. Try indoctrination of our youth with a new subject of citizenship education, with historical memory, with the alliance of civilizations, try the confrontation between the English with demagogic speeches of rich and poor, right and left, knowing it is not truth and with the majority of television
public investments and private for reasons bastards who already know some day.
8. The waste is intolerable and shameful public
9. D. José Luis has achieved international isolation, we only talked to the troubled countries. A few conferences go, all European dignitaries left alone, is perfectly photographs.
10. This crushing the average citizen and the lower classes indiscriminately with tax increases and in some cases such as gasoline in a scandalous way and we have the announcement in a couple days a rise in power.
11. The cuts to the working classes, increasing the contribution years to 67 years, cutting the salaries of officials, has lowered the purchasing power of pensions of retirees.
12. A collection created a subsidy junkies, some unions rich just working and no one dares to inspect, wasteful subsidies to NGO friends, hundreds of people everywhere advisors serving politicians, lavish expenditures of the various communities, municipalities doubling and tripling of administrative functions.
13. With this wildcat strike of drivers and in a cowardly manner has extended the state of alarm, instead of solving problems and for me and thousands of English is an act of extreme cowardice. With this decision preaches envy the English.
14. Hand a lamentable moral and material misery to the English and get our youth is becoming more "easygoing" and has less moral and human values \u200b\u200band creates less in others.
For all that, this socialism is not credible as its collapse will
Er loud and I think that in order not to aggravate this serious illness suffered by this country formerly known as Spain, D. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero should you in a real patriot act, resign and call a general election and, while the city and we decided we would see again the English, who we feel cheated, because he has not fulfilled its election program and even introduced issues like abortion, was not carrying it. He calls
up from Valencia UGT few days ago.
1. The highest rate of unemployment in the history of Spain.

2. The largest movement of illegal immigration in the history of Spain
3. Support to terrorists and again and in different ways.
4. Support miserable dictatorships in the world: Hamas, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Morocco, etc., Etc.
5. The sovereign people lying on the economic crisis saying that there was no such crisis.
6. Repeatedly lying about the economic recovery that announces once and again, knowing it is not true, you are very "weary" in the subject.
7. Try indoctrination of our youth with a new subject of citizenship education, with historical memory, with the alliance of civilizations, try the confrontation between the English with demagogic speeches of rich and poor, right and left, knowing it is not truth and with the majority of television

8. The waste is intolerable and shameful public
9. D. José Luis has achieved international isolation, we only talked to the troubled countries. A few conferences go, all European dignitaries left alone, is perfectly photographs.
10. This crushing the average citizen and the lower classes indiscriminately with tax increases and in some cases such as gasoline in a scandalous way and we have the announcement in a couple days a rise in power.
11. The cuts to the working classes, increasing the contribution years to 67 years, cutting the salaries of officials, has lowered the purchasing power of pensions of retirees.

12. A collection created a subsidy junkies, some unions rich just working and no one dares to inspect, wasteful subsidies to NGO friends, hundreds of people everywhere advisors serving politicians, lavish expenditures of the various communities, municipalities doubling and tripling of administrative functions.
13. With this wildcat strike of drivers and in a cowardly manner has extended the state of alarm, instead of solving problems and for me and thousands of English is an act of extreme cowardice. With this decision preaches envy the English.
14. Hand a lamentable moral and material misery to the English and get our youth is becoming more "easygoing" and has less moral and human values \u200b\u200band creates less in others.
For all that, this socialism is not credible as its collapse will

up from Valencia UGT few days ago.
Without words my friend, to see what lies behind this time and so again to face the Super Star, Mr Pheasant Case or Gal.
most sense I've read lately ON THE SPANISH ECONOMY FOR 2011
Recession is when neighbor loses his job
Depression is when you lose yours
Recovery is when Zapatero loses his job
The brilliant Sir George Bernard Shaw wrote this short sentence, full of wisdom. Shaw is the only person to have won a Nobel Prize (Literature, 1925) and Oscar (in the category of Best Screenplay) for "My Fair Lady", based on the play Pygmalion: "Politicians and diapers have to change very often ... and for the same reasons. "
ability to synthesize much!
And another thing that ought to repair ZP and his team of inept and radical is what Confucius said, though his culture does not know who he is, Well said, especially for those socialists now, "Failure to follow the sacred, you have nothing on which to set the behavior."
But friends have hope for 2011, because: "Hope is not or reality and illusion. It is like the ways of Earth, before about Earth had no roads, they have been made by the large number of bystanders. " This beautiful phrase Lu Xun said, as you know was the top representative of the May Fourth Movement, is considered the father of modern literature in China, was part of the League of Leftist Writers, a group of intellectuals associated with the Communist Party Chinese.
According to a survey conducted Metroscopia Institute for El Pais, (La Gaceta del PSOE), the conservative Popular Party PP bone, in opposition, and has an advantage, never before recorded, 18.8 points on the Party English Socialist, I mean the PSOE, Zapatero, in the intention to vote.
If elections were held now, the PSOE would get 24.3 percent of the vote, the worst result in its history, according to the survey, m
Recession is when neighbor loses his job
Depression is when you lose yours
Recovery is when Zapatero loses his job
The brilliant Sir George Bernard Shaw wrote this short sentence, full of wisdom. Shaw is the only person to have won a Nobel Prize (Literature, 1925) and Oscar (in the category of Best Screenplay) for "My Fair Lady", based on the play Pygmalion: "Politicians and diapers have to change very often ... and for the same reasons. "
ability to synthesize much!
And another thing that ought to repair ZP and his team of inept and radical is what Confucius said, though his culture does not know who he is, Well said, especially for those socialists now, "Failure to follow the sacred, you have nothing on which to set the behavior."

But friends have hope for 2011, because: "Hope is not or reality and illusion. It is like the ways of Earth, before about Earth had no roads, they have been made by the large number of bystanders. " This beautiful phrase Lu Xun said, as you know was the top representative of the May Fourth Movement, is considered the father of modern literature in China, was part of the League of Leftist Writers, a group of intellectuals associated with the Communist Party Chinese.
According to a survey conducted Metroscopia Institute for El Pais, (La Gaceta del PSOE), the conservative Popular Party PP bone, in opposition, and has an advantage, never before recorded, 18.8 points on the Party English Socialist, I mean the PSOE, Zapatero, in the intention to vote.
If elections were held now, the PSOE would get 24.3 percent of the vote, the worst result in its history, according to the survey, m

All polls portend a debacle for the party of Zapatero in the regional and municipal elections to be held next May in Spain.
But he cares a "radish" this poor Spain, said that continuous, because you still have many months to put more cronies in various posts above where his party governs, truly insane and I think even punished (which means "that must be punished")
Regards and Happy New Year 2012. (No, not a mistake, what happens is that I miss the 2011 because even going to take this leadership team bad luck)
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