After reading it carefully several times I decided I had to edit this blog largest audience because it's worth all of you aware of the wonders of socialism and current world states:
Raul Castro (from now on Castro II) has just announced a
a series of reforms that demonstrate the spectacular failure of socialism.

The brilliant appearance of Castro I saying that "it is necessary for the country and its leaders to rectify the mistakes because otherwise we will sink Cuba" continues to attract attention.
The president inherited the island said his government will go towards opening the economy to the recognition of "small property", to the administrative rationalization (read the dismissal of 500,000 government employees), towards the end subsidies (read to the ration card) and that "this time there will be no going back."
Surely with this last clarification was intended to refer to previous attempts from which the island's extraordinary land sought stratospheric flight began 50 years ago and that deposited, how could it be otherwise, outside of reality.

the great grace of all this is that Fidel Castro (Castro now I) is confident that the communist fire potatoes that he and his brother condemned the country for 5 decades, the take out "small employers' private to plan now wants to encourage reforms. Believes that the taxes they pay will help pay for social costs which society accustomed to a completely abandoned to the laziness of the public charity, valued at U $ S 20 per month.
is no doubt that the Castro brothers have not learned anything in their lives than become slaves to free people.
Fidel (Castro I) did for years with blood and fire and now Castro II want to do with the seduction of giving permission for people to work on their own, to go and then squeeze the taxes, among other things, to continue to maintain the caste to which he belongs and nomenclature.

addition to the board should give to his friend Chavez, which slows 40 years and is walking the path Castro Castro I and II toured in the '60s, what the president warns no inheritance is that socialism is by definition unsustainable.
No utopia to retire the human mind the ability to see made one's dreams can work, have not worked and will never work, you
sencillamen because in contrast to the human trait of individual initiative, free own will and the unity of the species.

No mess
theoretical suddenly decreed human equality in fact have a future, either in the past, not now, not ever.
What Castro Castro I and II should learn is that once human beings are different from one another, each enclosed world meets an individual brain characteristics that no battalion force of bayonets can change or ignore. The basic principle of socialism (human equality in fact) is a contradiction in terms as doomed to failure, is that embryonic incurable error making it unsustainable.
No Socialism in the short-term errors, mistakes tactical or procedural confusion, socialism is irremediably flawed because it contradicts the foundations of the human condition and there should find the path to Castro II sinking.

As you are aware that the proposed change is resisted by people far more stubborn he said, " is essential to change the existing negative appreciation in many of us into the private job ", thinking that it convince those who still believe that the natural human inclination to work and earn a living by the media is a circumstance that makes the characteristic of the species but invented for some stupid theory of imperialism.
What emperors Castro I and II, clearly do not understand is that the success of other economic organizations is not due to any quirky invention, to have fate or their countries have been blessed by nature, in reality countries apply that type of economic organization have simply decided not to fight with human nature and have had a legal system to channel towards the betterment of all, the undeniable human tendencies to progress.

That has always been one big silly. The obtuse that led the rebellion to the ultimate consequences have condemned millions to hunger and poverty.

Communism could not live without the sap of envy there, at such a low human feeling fuel is to convince many that the rise of some are not because of their concern, their effort, their ingenuity yas

So when once in power his theories inevitably lead it to failure, when he has to surrender to the work and private property, makes it clear that we only allow a small extent in order to keep throwing waves of envy "big" one that prohibits the "big" will never leave the smallness.
And there in the thick broth of envy and continue boiling to a shortage poor people he condemned to live in the Middle Ages in exchange for keeping alive an unsustainable fad.
"In this paradise? Cuban child prostitution with girls from

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjMeZrT3Mrg .
really disgusting
This is Socialism that we invite you to share, that of Castro, Chávez, the Bolivian soccer player dirty or China, what happens is that here in my country, formerly Spain , Socialism is going to be much more "raw" and difficult, very "banana" to go still. Happy
2012, as I said in 2011 would not even dream story.
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