Laguna Tortuguero Natural Reserve is one of the most important and valuable areas of our island. It is located on the north coast of Puerto Rico between the towns of Vega Baja and Manati. It is one of the freshwater bodies largest island and one in the class. It is distinguished by its great scenic beauty, ecological significance and its rich natural system aquatic fauna and flora.
The lake covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 2.43 km2 and contains a total water volume of 708 million gallons. It consists of two segments: the Laguna Tortuguero including the swamp known as Cape northeastern Caribbean and Laguna Rica. Its depth prevalent patients is four to five feet. The most important hydrological consideration is the relationship between Laguna and their main sources of water, underground water aquifers and the water flowing through shallow river runoff during the rains. Which falls in the basin is filtered quickly coming to Laguna. It includes the flow of groundwater and surface water is full except for those that discharge into the sea. The only movement of water through the connecting channel, the lagoon with the sea. The movement is always towards the sea. You could say that an important aspect for the maintenance of the Lagoon in the natural state is the equilibrium interface of freshwater and saltwater.
springs have been located in the channel connecting the lagoon to the sea, several in the northern shore where aquatic plant grows (Ceratophylium demersum) and two small inland between January and reed vegetation type. It sure must be hundreds of these sources are distributed in different places at the bottom of the lake and the vegetation that surrounds.
soils near the lake are mixed. They are composed mainly of silica sand which imparts acidity to the soil. The acidic condition of the soil favors the establishment of a number of rare endemic species in danger of extinction.
The lake has great ecological value. This body of water is really the only natural lake of P R. Serves as a diffusion barrier between seawater and freshwater groundwater in this region.
This reserve is made up of marshes, swamps, rare and endemic flora and endangered species, silica sand, hummocks and water bodies.
The flora has been identified as the fourth most important in the island. distinction it shares with the Maricao Forest, Black Bull and the Caribbean National Forest (El Yunque). Rare conditions of the soil of Laguna have created a rare and diverse plant life. That's why the area has, among its most important biological resources, plant communities of great diversity. There are about of 717 known species belonging to 119 families. Of these, 265 are wetlands indicator species, 132 species of trees, 79 species of rushes, 78 herbs, 38 species of ferns and 20 species of orchids,
They are among these 144 rare and endangered species, 56 species inhabit the fine white sands around the lagoon, 110 species occur on organic soils of wetlands and 37 species are native to America. The latter are in Puerto Rico only and exclusively to the Tortuguero Lagoon Reserve.
They are also seven species of insectivorous plants in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lagoon, only two of these found in Tortuguero, these are: sundew (Drosera capilaris and Ultcularia subuleta clesitogama.
Wildlife: Birds
This reserve has an environment suitable for a variety of birds due to their food source be a continuous and Instead of nesting and shelter. have been quietly, watching birds, 83 species distributed throughout the booking area
Of these 30 species are migratory and the rest live in PR among the residents, there are four species are endemic. These are : PR Warbler (Coreban flaceola portoricensis), La Calandria of PR, Mozambique, and the Reina Mora PR
In the lagoon you can find the Tigua (podiceps dominicus). The Duck Sausage, The English Gallareta, El Gallito, four species of rare birds in P R. The first three are residents of PR while the cock is a migratory bird and rare in the island
fish in the lake are quite abundant, though generally small. This is because the lake serves as a refuge and a natural habitat for juvenile species. Have observed 23 species of fish. Tortuguero Lagoon is a unique system of our island by members of its fish.
are several native species such as eels, the stinger, tarpon, snook, bigeye trevally, and crappie. Among the exotic fish of great interest to anglers for its size these black bream, tilapia, and bass. We highlight the presence of egg-layers belonging to the genus Poecilia, known one guppy and living among aquatic plants. Alien species introduced
In the mid 1970's have seen the presence of alligators in the areas of Laguna Tortuguero Vega Baja.
were accidentally introduced through the purchase and indiscriminate sale of alligators in the pet trade. Half were older, their owners were released near the lake where you have set.
These exotic animals generates problems in the short and long term for agriculture, for the flora and fauna.
Natural Resources Department prepared a plan for population control. It accomplishes this in a night. The alligator has a high mortality. The alligator population is mature. It has reduced the density found at the beginning of the program. The ultimate goal is to decrease the population density to a level that alligators do not cause significant damage to the ecosystem.
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