Here are some more photos of the session that Miley did for Elle magazine.
also revealed more statements to the already anticipated on relationship with Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato and you love your teeth , like his father, still in crooked.
Although the photos at first caused a lot of inaccuracies in some portals again Americans are questioning the photos especially the one in which he appears with tight boots and a sexy pose. The websites say that these boots are used by women mostly older than 30 years and a life more wanton. Here
their new statements (it seems that the interview was conducted some months ago)
feel like a princess every night: "The funniest thing about prom is that you have a special night to get ready and feel like a princess, and honestly, I get to do that some nights. "
On her 'ex boyfriend' Justin Gaston (it was his 'love' to the date that the interview was conducted): "Sometimes we are together and then not. Some people see us more as friends and do not understand how our relationship. They're like, 'It is strange, best friends do not go '. But eventually the person will spend the rest of your life - not saying it's him - why not hang out together and know each other well if you'll have to wake up with that person every day? ". [I again clear, the interview was conducted when Justin and Milen out, but here she suggests that her relationship with Justy was not really in love, knowing that only they were more ]

Video Behind ELLE MAGAZINE scenes
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