Rocío Marengo said he did not put his hands on fire by her classmates because they are "fairly fast" but said that the Festival of Fort Ricardo saw no drugs and orgies.
also doubted that the girls in the cast of "Fantastic " are having sex with cats because they are Ricardo Fort very aware of the media. On the other hand, said two of his bodyguards themselves heterosexual. While
Dew was in the studio, opened a mobile Ricardo Fort, who was very violent with her screaming "if you say that my cats are gay ... you're a poor kid and you're a cat .
Absorbed by the statements, Rocío replied that it would initiate legal action for what he had to say, what Ricardo continued shouting "Iniciame!" . Laughing, Marengo said "Oh, you re out in the fag ... Fort, don the feathers are to be star ".
The insults continued and Ricardo Fort made him "Shhhh" to Marengo, so this reflected "A real man does not say that ... You with the money you have you're poor soul" . "Go to laburar my love of the one who works in Chile" , said the media. Among
comings and goings, Ricardo pronounced "Be my guest" ("my treat" or "be my guest") "if you know English ..." , "No, I speak in Castilian because I live in Argentina," said dew. Fort tried to Marengo uneducated for not knowing how to speak a foreign language, as if speaking a language other than itself was a topic of general culture. "You're a clown, goofy" said.
In the confrontation, they continued taking heavy artillery, so Rocío Marengo said that in "La Noche del Domingo", Virginia Gallardo Ricardo had confessed that Fort was paid a salary.
At one point in the discussion, Rocío Marengo, tired, declared: "You know what happens? Sos re hole. Call it a wave or not fight. I'm bored, I swear. Has no quarrel theme, it makes me nervous " .
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