Friday, February 18, 2011

Walking Stick Handles


is not difficult follow the counsel of Jesus Christ, about being condescending to our neighbors in general, for example I will mention to what the Gospel says in the Holy Mass of the day 20 of the current bone for next Sunday, which is the seventh Sunday Ordinary Time. The Gospel is from San Mateo and reads

Mt 5, 38-48 have heard that it was said: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I say: No repliquéis the evil, on the contrary, if someone strikes you on the right cheek, offer the other also. When you want to enter into litigation with you and take your tunic, let him have your coat also. Who forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Who asks of you, and not shy away when you want something borrowed.

you have heard it said: 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that ye may be sons of your Father in heaven, who makes his sun rise on good and bad, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? Do not do that too much? And if you greet only your brothers, what do ye more? Did not even the pagans do that? Be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

THE precept of charity, according to D. Luis de Moya quadriplegic priest and doctor of Opus Dei and I read many times that - "The characteristic of man is not lost mobility," In this connection see her figure.

I have to say that I am not of Opus Dei, but not because I do not like but because my personal circumstances and not thinking I may, I am a man I'm not as consistent and politicians who say "do what I say but do not what I do "which is allegedly being corrupt right under our noses. very few are saved can count on the fingers of one ear, you know?

The words of Jesus contained in these verses in San Mateo, Church offers us this Sunday, called for a change of attitude is not unimportant in the way of relating to others. It was eye for an eye move ... and hate the enemy, to seek the best in all circumstances for others, but in strict justice does not deserve it. In this is perfection, "insists the Lord, to the extent of our Heavenly Father.

That look in any case the good people must be a permanent reality in our lives: When it costs you to do a favor, a service to a person thinks is a child of God, remember that the Lord commanded us to love one another.

- "Moreover, deepens every day in the Gospel precept, not stay on the surface. Take it easy consequences, results, and adapt your behavior every moment of those requirements. " That was from San Josemaría Escrivá.
The love of others is ahead, above any other's behavior to any circumstance of his person. Will always be the starting point of our relationship with him. From the outset, he wants to, it is valued, is willing to help, to promote their good, as appropriate, if necessary, correct it promptly, especially to have all the human and supernatural categories that can achieve always looking, in short, the greater good.

Moreover, it is always present at all our desire to love God when we try to treat others well. "Whatever you did for one of these little ones you did with me," he has said the Lord. Thus, the neighbor, our brothers and sisters with whom we live, is always an occasion for ar am God.

really be friends. That friendship is to do more than have a good time of fun. Can not be passive only, you must become a real friend of your friends: "help." First, with the example of your behavior. And then, with your advice and with the influence that a close.

What worries me about my friends, what I care about them? Do I care what I get from them or what they get from me? I hope to have much interest in promoting at all times, so I will be sure that I really love, that are my friends. On the contrary, if I refuse to put what is mine for good, possibly even I love little, we still appreciate little. When it costs you to do a favor, a service to a person thinks is a child of God, remember that the Lord commanded us to love one another.

always live among others who God wants so much, by whom he has given his life to reach their full happiness and this, without any merit on man's part, however, gave himself for us as the man I opposed with all his might, while the man he killed.
opposition now that we are to make love with those around us works because "as you did with one of these, you did me," he said the Lord. Let us, finally, in solidarity with our God, wanting complete happiness also for those who are with us in life.

What I can do for it? Depend on how it is, what to ask, what you need but do not ask. We read in the Gospel that Jesus "went about doing good, and we can mimic this behavior, others are a constant encouragement of my love and ask God for eyes sensitive to the needs of others and a generous heart, full of desire to meet those needs.

sound weird that I commented here today instead of putting green to the Government unpresentable, but today I give respite and I want to make a reminder of what he says in this case the Gospel of Matthew, because I have you to say that man and man "? is free and is religious in nature, is political as well as himself and in all civilizations have had their God, and the chief of his tribe, but it has had and we Christians, we are fortunate to have in my approach to God "good", not political but it is soooo bad. And so the good God has made us free and is also why he does not intervene in earthly things, advises us and shows us the way but nothing more.

great weekend and let's get ready for the magnificent celebrations next March as are the Fiestas de la Magdalena in our sister Castellón and Valencia Fallas. Sure, art, light, fireworks, tradition, fun and all in a festive atmosphere, clean and friendly to strangers from all over the world.
you soon.


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